• Resolved delta123


    Hi Guys,

    Congratulations, you have create a nice and very useful plugin.

    I just wanted to report an issue with Revslider plugin braking when enabling all the features in this plugin.

    In order to get Revslider to work again, I had to disable:
    1 ) Moves scripts to the footer to improve page loading speed.
    2) Defers parsing of javascript files to reduce the initial load time of your page.

    Either of the 2 features or both together causes the revslider to brake, disabling those 2 features resolves the problem.


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  • Hi @delta123,

    I’m glad you like our plugin!

    It seems that Revslider plugin has known incompatibilities with many other plugins. Basically it does some of its wp_enqueue_scripts within a hook that just echoing the <script> tags as html and the Speed Booster Pack plugin (as other plugins) can’t handle this hook. However, besides altering the Revslider plugin files (which is not our job) is not much to do, at the first glance.

    As is specified in the plugin documentation the Speed Booster Pack plugin is compatible only with plugins or themes that utilizes wp_enqueue_scripts correctly.


    Hi @delta123,

    Have you resolved your revslider issues? Since this is not a plugin issue, I’m marking this topic as resolved but feel free to reach out if there are other issues.


    I know this topic is resolved, but in case other people run into similar issues with the Revolution Slider, there are various things you can try..

    I am using Revolution without problems in combination with Speed Booster.

    Revolution settings for each slider individually, it allows you to:

    Put JS Includes To Body

    Use Output Filters Protection (None, Compress, or Echo).

    Use jQuery No Conflict (On or Off).

    In the Global settings:

    Include RevSlider libraries globally: (on or off)

    Insert JavaSscript Into Footer: (on or off)

    Use Own hammer.js: (on or off)

    With persistence and patience, it is actually possible (I’m sure since it works for me), to get this working very well.

    Along with the excellent support I’ve experienced here so far, I also know that the developers of Revolution Slider are always very keen to assist and to improve their product.

    @gecko_guy, thanks for such a great information!

    Sorry to post this problem solved, but I have exactly the same problem as delta123:

    In order to get Revslider to work again, I had to disable:
    1 ) Moves scripts to the footer to improve page loading speed.
    2) Defers parsing of javascript files to reduce the initial load time of your page.

    Thank you to you gecko_guy, effectively in the global settings of Revolution Slider, I can make some settings (insert JavaScript into Footer, include RevSlider libraries globally, pages to include RevSlider libraries (ex: homepage), …

    But … I still can not activate the Speed Booster features: “Move scripts to the footer” and “Defer parsing of javaScript files” ??

    Please gecko_guy, can you tell me if you came to validate these two great features of Speed Booster, by setting correctly Revolution Slider?

    This is very frustrating to penalize all the entire website because of Revolution Slider (I am forced to use it)

    Thanks you in advance!

    We’re running into the same issue with Rev Slider and have tried every combination to get it to work with speed booster, to no avail. Would be great if someone who was able to get speed boost & rev slider working together to share the specific settings they’re using (both on rev slider & speed booster).

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