• Resolved andreasra


    Dear Autoptimize-Team,

    Today I had the following issue on our frontpage: https://www.thearcticinstitute.org

    Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include.This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work.

    Turning off Javascript optimisation in the Autoptimize settings fixed the problem. However I guess this will have some impact on performance.

    Any other idea on how the problem could be fixed? It appeared out of the blue. We also use W3 Total Cache.

    Thanks a lot!!

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  • Update: now even after reload error is not going away.

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    Looks like you disabled JS aggregation so hard to say what is going on, but;

    1. make sure to check/ change RevSlider’s global settings mentioned here
    2. try adding wp-content/plugins/revslider/ to the JS optimization exclusions
    3. even with AO off (by adding ?ao_noptimize=1 to the URL) I still see JavaScript errors on the browser console (see screenshot), this might be the root cause of thing going south when the is autoptimized. no idea what is causing those errors I’m afraid.


    Hi Frank,
    If it helps to troubleshoot, I enabled JS aggregation.
    1. In Slider Global Settings I already had “Inserted JavaSscript Into Footer” checked.
    Turning off “Include RevSlider libraries globally” didn’t fix the issue.

    2. I have following now in “Exclude scripts from Autoptimize:”
    seal.js, js/jquery/jquery.js, wp-includes/js/dist/, wp-content/plugins/revslider/ (per your last suggestion)
    Still same error ??

    3. I added ?ao_noptimize=1 to https://weddingdancenewjersey.com/?ao_noptimize=1 and all works fine.

    I guess I will have to disable Autoptimize, if you don’t have any more suggestions on what I should do.
    I really liked this plug in. Improved performance of my web site.

    Thank you,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 12 months ago by ballroomdream.
    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    If it helps to troubleshoot, I enabled JS aggregation.

    It seems not active any more?

    I guess I will have to disable Autoptimize, if you don’t have any more suggestions on what I should do.

    you could, but you could also keep on using AO to aggregate/ minify your CSS and to minify (but not aggregate) your JS; it’ll still improve your site’s performance ??

    or you could look for an alternative for revslider, it’s a pain to optimize anyway ??


    Looks like the issue is resolved now. I didn’t touch any setting in Autoptimize since last night. Let’s hope it will work going forward.

    Thanks for all your help.


    Maybe someone experienced this issue, the slider works perfectly fine on all the browsers, except Safari.

    Any idea?

    tThank you,



    I have a problem with running my website properly, after installing revslider 6 on WordPress 5.2.2 the website doesn’t run properly please check the screenshot for further consideration, any support will be appreciated.


    The site is experiencing technical difficulties.

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    so are you using autoptimize @waseemsannib ? if so; what JS errors do you see on the browser console?

    I’ve been working with revslider for some time now and it’s an excellent plugin, but when I installed autoptimizer it didn’t work anymore, it displayed that:
    To fix it you can:
    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: Put JS Includes To Body option to true.
    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it.

    I followed this solution and for the local one {I have a local version of my site} it works but for the one that is already online it tells me: “Ajax error!!! error” can you help me to know what is happening please
    thank you in advance

    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    can you share your site’s URL menjawa?

    Thank you for your answer:
    here is the link : https://www.trustylabs.mg/
    My php version : PHP Version 5.6.40, i don’t know if its an important information for solving my probleme,
    i have already followed the process on the screen but it doesn’t work (it works only on the local web site)

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by menjawa.
    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    I’m seeing

    TypeError: b is undefineded 542ac5-1561983525.js:777:43

    and https://www.trustylabs.mg/wp-content/mmr/ed542ac5-1561983525.js is actually a file created by merge+minify+refresh, not autoptimize menjawa, guess you’ll have to ask there?

    OK thank you very much ,
    i’have just desactivated this plugin and it works,
    very helpful thank you very much

    Hello, My Slider Revolution was working properly, know something happened, I really don’t know if was making the update to 6. Now I appears not activated, and when I looked “editor plugin”/revslider.php it appears this error:

    // If this file is called directly, abort.
    if(!defined(‘WPINC’)){ die; }

    die(‘ERROR: It looks like you have more than one instance of Slider Revolution installed. Please remove additional instances for this plugin to work again.’);

    I want to fix it not in FTP (because I have connection problems with filezilla) maybe fix it in css or there in Editor Plugin, but I’m beginner in this things and I don’t know how to solve it.

    The slider proble (homepage) of the site I’m doing

    Thank you so much.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by cfbancaria.
    Plugin Author Optimizing Matters


    Afraid I can’t support RevSlider here @cfbancaria only Autoptimize which you are not using ??

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