This is a kind of broad question but I will try my best to address the key points.
There are several issues in any WordPress plugin that need to be addressed- code should only be loaded for users with the correct capability and should only be accessible for admins. Revisr only runs for users with admin capabilities.
There also needs to be controls in place to make sure that an action taken by an admin was actually intended to be taken – to this measure Revisr uses the WordPress nonce system.
There is also SQL injection, XSS, etc. This is all handled through WordPress native escaping functions. Unique to Revisr and some other Git plugins is the use of the exec command, necessary to interact with Git. All input to this command is escaped.
Revisr will also automatically create an .htaccess file to prevent the DB backup files from being accessible on servers that support .htaccess.
On top of all that, if you have it set up to auto-push to Bitbucket/Github, your site can be automatically backed up to a remote server at the interval of your choice.
I hope that helps! I’m marking this as resolved, but please let me know if you have any other questions.