• I have a client that has a site on GoDaddy’s Deluxe Web Hosting Linux plan. It’s not a cPanel plan. When I installed Revisr, this is what Revisr’s troubleshooting page said:

    Operating System Linux
    Exec() Enabled true
    Git Install Path Not Found
    Git Version Unknown
    MySQL Install Path Not Found
    Repository Status No repository detected.

    Attempting to initialize a new repository from within Revisr resulted, as expected, in the “Failed to initialize a new repository. Please make sure that Git is installed on the server and that Revisr has write permissons to the WordPress install.” message on the dashboard.

    Running which git tells me that git is installed at /usr/bin/git, so I added that path to wp-config. Revisr still doesn’t find Git according to the Revisr – Settings Help tab (I don’t know if the Git path on the Help tab is supposed to update, or not) but I tried to create a repository, anyway. No luck.

    Running git init manually in the WordPress directory successfully created a .git repo, but Revisr doesn’t see it, still saying “No Git repository was detected, click here to create one.”

    As far as the database is concerned, which mysql says it’s in /usr/bin/mysql, so I put that path in the “Path to MySQL” field on the Revisr – Settings Database tab. Strangely, though, when the page refreshes after saving the changes, the field is empty. Revisr still doesn’t find MySQL according to the Revisr – Settings Help tab.

    I can tell you that GoDaddy sets these sites up in a byzantine directory structure 5 levels down from root, if that might have anything to do with it.

    Any suggestions?


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