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  • I’m having the same issue.

    Has anyone found a solution for this?

    I tried to trace the root of the problem.

    I found that this problem arises because the module Advanced Access Manager (aam) overriding wp_die function:

    // wp die hook
    add_filter ('wp_die_handler', array ($ this, 'wpDie'), 10);

    As a result, any errors that occur on the backend will be handled by the wpDie function
    (example: upload a file that is not an image as a background on the menu appreance: Background):

    ???? public function wpDie ($ function) {
    ???????? $ redirect = aam_Core_ConfigPress :: getParam ('backend.access.deny.redirect');
    ???????? $ message = aam_Core_ConfigPress :: getParam (
    ???????????????????????? 'backend.access.deny.message', __ ('Access Denied', 'aam')
    ???????? );
    ???????? if (filter_var ($ redirect, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
    ???????????? wp_redirect ($ redirect);
    ???????????? exit;
    ???????? } Elseif (is_int ($ redirect)) {
    ???????????? wp_redirect (get_post_permalink ($ redirect));
    ???????????? exit;
    ???????? } Else {
    ???????????? call_user_func ($ function, $ message, '', array ());
    ???????? }
    ???? }

    As you can can see, this function will generate an error ‘Access Denied’

    For temporary solution, I suggest making this line as a comment:
    add_filter (‘wp_die_handler’, array ($ this, ‘wpDie’), 10);

    I will try to ask the purpose of the filter wp die hook aam forum.

    any news? ??
    Best regards,

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