Hi Mike,
Thanks for response. I realised now I probably should have included some more (OK a lot more!) detail in my post.
I refreshed my token on Satuday 29th January 2022 after seeing a message in my account. Since then (or may not be related at all) I am having terrible trouble updating eBay listings. I am getting a LOT of message saying:
“Error: (#90002)
soap-fault: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 312; columnNumber: 3121; The element type "soap:Envelope" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</soap:Envelope>".”
In the Changed Listings tab I also see this message:
“There are 2 changed item(s), with 0 item(s) queued to be revised.”
This is after revisions (I updated shipping details in the Profile section). I am having to manually select the listings and choose Revise from Bulk Actions. Some worked, some did not. Some say they have worked but the change is not reflected in the active eBay listings.
Any assistance would be gratefully received!