Hey @liditrudex
Just want to chime in here as well. I have manually updated the reviews (under the my reveiws tab) on a client site and the reviews do indeed update, but the number of reviews has not changed. The client has 512 reviews on Google, but on the website (shortcode display) the number is still the same at the previous reviews count.
I think there is an issue with the reviews count output for the layout display.
If you visit this link > https://fumanchuoriental.com/, you’ll see the Google reviews section. Then see where is says Based on 492 reviews, if you visit the actual Google page reviews on this link > https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=Fu+Manchu+Oriental+-+Chevron+Island#lrd=0x6b9105c0b36bc22f:0x7204c2c5c5cbd2cf,1,,,, you’ll see the number of reviews is 512. This number should also show on the website.
I think this is what @desarrollomarksonoma is referring to.