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  • Plugin Author HappyMonster


    Hi @alcatrazhorizon

    Thanks for using HappyAddons. To get all the review widget styles, please drop us an email at happyaddons [at] gmail [dot] com. We’ll send you the review widget template file so that you can import the styles using Elementor template importer.


    Thread Starter alcatrazhorizon


    Thanks so much. Line dropped to your email. Regards

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Wait. What?

    @thehappymonster Why on earth would you need a user to email you about this request?

    Plugin Author HappyMonster



    Cause we have to send the template file to him and the files are request only at this moment. We are working on a solution where users will be able to download from their dashboard and there won’t be any on request procedure.

    Not sure if asking him to email was a violation of any community rules. Is it?
    If it is then we’ll make sure this doesn’t happen again.


    Moderator James Huff


    Cause we have to send the template file to him and the files are request only at this moment.

    Ok, that’s fair.

    I think it would be better for your users though if you simply listed out the settings here. These are searchable forums, and someone else may have the same question. You don’t want to be emailing everyone files … unless of course that’s the only want to do this, which would be unfortunate.

    Not sure if asking him to email was a violation of any community rules. Is it?

    It’s not. As a plugin developer, you’re welcome to share either your email address (which you have done), or direct them to some sort of contact form on your end.

    If it was a guideline violation, your reply would have been nuked and the Plugins Team would have been informed. ??

    Though I can’t speak directly for Jan, I suspect his question was more along the lines of “Why not leave the answer here so everyone else can benefit?”

    Thread Starter alcatrazhorizon


    Template received, Thank you very much for your help

    Thread Starter alcatrazhorizon


    The template is json file which can’t really be shared in text format on a forum. Just sayin…

    Moderator James Huff


    Oh yeah, I totally understand that part. What I figured was it would be nice to instead share some text-based direction, “Set your settings like this,” like basic user documentation. Otherwise the alternative is that everyone needs to bother the developer for a JSON file. ??

    Plugin Author HappyMonster


    Ah, good to know we didn’t violate any rules ?? Thanks @macmanx for the info.

    And you’re right regarding the solution. Our team is working on the doc and soon that’ll available for everyone. Also, we’re working on a robust solution where users won’t have to request us for the template files. They’ll be able to download from the plugin dashboard. Hope the situation will change in the near future and everyone will be happy. ??

    Thanks everyone ??

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    We are working on a solution where users will be able to download from their dashboard and there won’t be any on request procedure.

    Please remember that you cannot install things via the dashboard.

    You could put a link up in the dashboard to your site where it could be downloaded, though. And unless this is some odd trade secret, why would you not just do that now?

    Plugin Contributor HappyAddons


    @ipstenu we are working on a solution like this and I believe it’s allowed as it’s already approved!

    why would you not just do that now?

    We have other priority works and our team is working on those first. Once our first stage is complete we will release the demo importer.


    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    That plugin is a service. Unless you are, this is the wrong path for you to follow.

    Plugin Contributor HappyAddons


    Thanks for the insight.

    this is the wrong path for you to follow

    What do you suggest?

    Thanks again ??

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