• Hi, I am rather new to WordPress and am using it to create my first blog. I was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago and the general theme is to document what I go through in order to help other people.

    I would be very grateful for a review of my site before I start trying to get readers.

    Please excuse the site’s dull writing, I haven’t been sleeping much lately.

    There are two Pages right now in addition to the posts. I anticipate at least three more Pages in the future once I find a way to easily create a dictionary/glossary Page.


    Thanks in advance.

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  • Not bad, the colors are pretty nice, and it seems to work pretty well. I could be wrong, but it looks like you’re header is too big. Shaving off two pixels on the width would probably fix it, and you won’t screw up the picture at all

    A well designed blog easy to read and fast to load.

    As above, perhaps shaving that little bit off the sides of the banner would be about the only aesthetic thing to do.

    Quite a few people with cancer do this sort of thing, and needless to say I wish you well and pray all goes well with your treatment.

    Good luck

    Very nice site. Colors are cool and pleasant. Best of luck. Sometimes writing helps.

    Thread Starter kungfukarl


    Thanks for the reviews. I fixed the banner graphic problem. This fix actually worked on the first time.

    looks good. Just that one little pixel adds a feel of sloppiness, almost, but it looks great now

    I like the site – it looks great.

    On the archives page, I don’t like how the article category is displayed above the article title in a larger font. This is especially weird since categories are not displayed on the home page or in the sidebar (it appears you’re not using them).

    When viewing the archives pages, most of the sidebar is not displayed (just the archives section). I think this looks too bare / empty.

    Best of luck with your health.

    I like it. Very easy to read. Very uncluttered.
    You will be in my prayers.

    Thread Starter kungfukarl


    Thank you for the support and the points about the Archives page(s). I’m hacking the original theme as I go along, and my UI choices never made it to the archives template.

    Resiny: Is there still a pixel problem? It looks fine on my computer. Maybe I can compare the image size vs. the column width as specified in the CSS again.

    The Sidebar is an ongoing project. I added a little something nice called “Stay In Touch” and presented the data as well as my CSS/XHTML skills allow me. The titles & PDF icons in the “Electronic Ink” section are probably going to start floating left and right to create a two column effect and distance the text from the graphics.

    The single.php and post.php will have to have their RSS parts fit the front page somehow.

    Is there still a pixel problem? It looks fine on my computer. Maybe I can compare the image size vs. the column width as specified in the CSS again.

    Nope, I think it’s fine now. nice work

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