• Resolved techgoods01


    Hi guys,

    My cus rev recently had a bug which meant the URL of my Cus Rev profile was changed to fix the issue (thank you again for helping me with that) but now I’ve noticed my Cus Rev profile no longer shows all the images my customers put in their reviews. The only ones on there are the images they recently submitted, can we please have the old images show in the profile again. Thank you very much!

    Where all the images used to be: https://prnt.sc/pKtk1UJ7Ar8K

    My Cus Rev profile: https://www.cusrev.com/reviews/consolewarehouse.com/

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  • cusrevsupport9


    Hi there,

    Thank you for using CusRev.

    I’ve informed our development team to check the uploaded images on your store page. I will get back to you later.




    This issue has been fixed, please check the uploaded images on your store and let me know if you have any questions.

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