Quite honestly, the problem is with your “soap” page, not the review plugin.
Simply put, you created the “soap” page using a bad philosophy. Every product SHOULD have its own page. This method greatly increases the chance each individual product will be found in searches and each individual product page can be optimized to actually be found in searches.
The best method would be to create a custom post type, then add each product you sell, so they will each have their own page.
After each product has it’s own page, you can create a “soap” page listing all products.
— The same way the blog works. Each blog post has its own page, then many websites also have a page with a preview of each blog post. —
With this method, users are also able to review each individual product.
Rather than spending time trying to find a different review plugin, your time would be better spent in implementing a change to the “soap” page.
Just some friendly advice. ??