• Resolved wwwolf


    For those having problems with WordFence v7, if you want to go back to v6 until the bugs are fixed, your best option is to restore your site from a recent backup (to ensure all settings etc stored in the database are preserved). However, if you have made too many other changes since your last backup, and just want to revert the plugin, you can download version 6.3.22 from the foot of this page:

    HOWEVER, if you just swap it into your /plugins/ directory, there’s no guarantee it will preserve all your settings or even work 100% as before – it would be safer to uninstall v7 and reinstall and setup from scratch (sorry), since in a major update, WF have likely changed some of the database fields/values as well as the UI. That said, maybe someone from WF can confirm either way or, if anyone’s tried it, do post here and let us know how you got on ??

    And whether you’re trying to preserve your settings or re-create them, don’t forget to switch off auto-update… and then switch it on again once we have a version that seems to address the main problems.

    I’m sure it’s working fine for most people, that WF will sort all this out, and that we’ll all get used to the pretty but more complicated UI… but in the meantime, for those of us having problems, this is the way to get back to something that just works.

    BTW, thank you all at WordFence – I am under no illusions: your plugin has saved me, and my clients, a great deal of time and money over the last few years. Keep up the good work ??

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  • “BTW, thank you all at WordFence – I am under no illusions: your plugin has saved me, and my clients, a great deal of time and money over the last few years. Keep up the good work.”

    +1 times 1000!!

    Regardless of a few minor glitches, this is an outstanding plug-in that saves our collective bacon on a daily, if not hourly, basis!!

    I replaced the new one with a copy of the older version I had on a disused site, 3 sites work fine with just replacing the Wordfence folder. I can access Live Traffic without digging again.

    Appreciate WF but not their zealous UI people, give a rest already.

    Thanks @wwwolf and @bluebearmedia for your kind words.

    @wwwolf Indeed, turning off the “auto update” option then removing the current version and installing the old one shouldn’t result in any problem, but this isn’t recommended as you will lose the product support, we can’t provide support for older versions of the plugin.

    @seedy you still can access the Live Traffic without digging in the new version, you can enable this option at (Wordfence > Tools > Live Traffic > Live Traffic Options > “Display top level Live Traffic menu option”) and you will have the “Live Traffic” directly under Wordfence side menu.


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