• sonicseaweed


    I’ve run into a snag.
    I have a multisite worpress installation on server A.

    I want to display one of the blogs on server B via a reverse proxy.

    I have played around with the siteurl and home variables as well as the domain and path settings for the blog.

    If I set the site url to the url on server B and the rest to server A I can display the content correctly, however, the links all point to server A (which is not desired).

    If I set the domain/path to server A and siteurl/home to server B both server A and B will display the content of the main blog (in essence a 404 as WP will display the main page if it is a valid url but it cannot find a corresponding page). However, all the links point correctly to server B.

    Other settings seem to result in infinite redirects (301) on server B.

    Anyone know what these settings should be and/or how to redirect the traffic properly?

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