• Resolved jamesbecker


    Moodle 3.2.1
    WordPress 4.7.1
    WooCommerce 2.6.13
    MooWoodle ver 1.2
    WooCommerce-Autocomplete Orders 1.1.4

    I’m having an issue with MooWoodle enrolling students in Moodle, for example:

    01. Student “Im A. Student” logs into the WooCommerce store/cart.
    02. “Im A. Student” purchases product/course “Course A.”
    03. The purchase is completed with no issues.
    04. “Im A. Student” logs out of the store/cart.
    05. “Im A. Student” receives ALL the proper emails and is indeed enrolled at the Moodle site in “Course A.”
    06. “Im A. Student” logs into his Moodle account that was created in 02 and 03 above, and indeed finds himself enrolled in “Course A.”
    07. “Im A. Student” logs out of his Moodle account.
    08. “Im A. Student” comes back to the store/cart 2 hours later, logs in.
    09. “Im A. Student” makes a new purchase of “Course B.”
    10. The purchase is completed with no issues.
    11. “Im A. Student” logs out of the store/cart.
    12. “Im A. Student” only receives 2 emails this time, the “Store order receipt from January 25, 2017” and “Store order from January 17, 2017 is complete.”
    13. “Im A. Student” logs back into his Moodle account and finds that he has NOT been enrolled in “Course B.”

    It seems that when a student purchases a product/course in the store/cart the FIRST TIME he is indeed enrolled in the proper course at the Moodle site. However, if he logs out of the store/cart and then comes back at a later time/date to make another product/course purchase, he is NOT enrolled in Moodle for the NEW course he just purchased.


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  • Thread Starter jamesbecker


    Does anyone monitor this forum?????

    Thread Starter jamesbecker


    HELLO!?!?!?!?! Anyone ever visit this forum??????

    A mi me sucede lo mismo, solo funciona en la primera compra de un usuario nuevo. Si el usuario vuelve a woocommerce a realizar una 2da o 3ra compra, éste se procesa pero no aparece matriculado en el curso en moodle.


    I’m having the same problem, I ran several tests and I could not figure out the cause.

    I noticed that it was after upgrading to the newer version of Woocommerce.

    I am using these versions:

    – WordPress: 4.73
    – Woocommerce: 2.6.14
    – MooWoodle: 1.2

    I’m waiting for a hint to solve the problem

    Plugin Author Dualcube


    @fabriciosilvasantos @jamesbecker @jonsanmalqui We are extremely sorry for the delayed response.

    We are looking into this issues. This will be resolved with the next update. As soon as we will be ready for the next update, I will let you know.


    @fabriciosilvasantos @jamesbecker @jonsanmalqui

    We have updated the plugin, please install this and let me know whether this issue exists.


    Hello, @downtown2017

    Unfortunately it did not work … ??

    He can not enroll the student in Moodle in a new course after the 1st time. If the student is already registered in Moodle he can not enroll him in a new course.

    Step-by-Step Procedures:
    ————————————————– ————————————————–

    1st Test:

    1) Student A signs up and purchases 1 course on the site (Woocommerce). — OK

    2) MooWoodle sends the student’s registration for Moodle and enrolls in the course purchased. — OK

    3) MooWoodle sends to the student’s email the Moodle login / password and the course link that he / she has registered. — OK

    ————————————————– ————————————————–

    2nd Test:

    1) Student B registers and buys 2 or more courses on the site (Woocommerce). — OK

    2) MooWoodle sends the student’s registration to Moodle and enrolls in the 2 or more courses. — OK

    3) MooWoodle sends to the student’s email the Moodle login / password and the link of the 2 or more courses that he / she has registered. — OK

    ————————————————– ————————————————–

    3rd Test:

    1) Student A enters the site (Woocommerce) and buys another course. — OK

    2) MooWoodle sends the student’s registration to Moodle and enrolls in the course. — FAILURE

    3) MooWoodle sends to the student’s email the Moodle login / password and the course link that he / she has registered. — FAILURE

    ————————————————– ————————————————–

    4th Test:

    1) Student B enters the site (Woocommerce) and buys 2 or more courses. — OK

    2) MooWoodle sends the student’s registration to Moodle and enrolls in the courses. — FAILURE

    3) MooWoodle sends to the student’s email the Moodle login / password and the link of the courses he has registered. — FAILURE

    Thread Starter jamesbecker


    HiYa Down Town,

    Nope, the updated plugin ver 1.2.1 does not solve the issue. Still return students/customers are not enrolled for the new course.

    Thread Starter jamesbecker


    Issue RESOLVED. This is a copy of the email I received today. After following the instructions contained in it, returning students/customers are now enrolled in their new courses in Moodle. ??

    ===Begin Email Contents===
    We have added a new function, please follow these Moodle path below:
    Administration > Site administration > Plugins >Web services > External services > Select your service for MooWoodle > Add functions > Add the following function to your webservice: ‘core_user_get_users‘.

    This is new. Most of the people are missing this thing while setting up the service in Moodle and was facing the same issue you are facing.

    Make sure you are running:
    WP 4.7.3
    WC 3.0.0
    Moodle 3.2.2
    ===End Email Contents===

    I’m running WC ver 3.0.1 and Moodle ver 3.2.1+ and the MooWoodle plugin still works as it should for returning students! ??


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