Return of CSS color issues
I updated AO to the latest release 2.3.2, along with the Social Marketplace theme. This same issue I had before came back.
My settings for AO and CSS excludes haven’t changed.
The images that showed the difference and the results of the Inspector from the browser.
And the CSS Options Exclude:
admin-bar.min.css, dashicons.min.css, onesocial-child/css/custom.css, EXCLUDE_ME_PLEASE
Frank, I can email you the login and password to the development site so you can inspect it if you like.
Snippet of functions.php from OneSocial Child theme:
if ( !function_exists( ‘boss_generate_option_css’ ) ) {
function boss_generate_option_css() {
$custom_css = get_transient( ‘onesocial_compressed_custom_css’ );
if(!empty($custom_css) && isset($custom_css[“css”])) {
echo ”
<style id=\”onesocial-style\”>
“;return false;
$accent_color = onesocial_get_option( ‘accent_color’ );
<style id=”onesocial-style”>
/* EXCLUDE_ME_PLEASE: Place marker to exclude from processing by Autoptimize */
<?php ob_start(); ?>/* Accent color */
a { color: <?php echo $accent_color; ?>; }
.widget_mc4wp_form_widget form p input[type=”submit”], .widget.widget_newsletterwidget form div input[type=”submit”],
.widget.widget_newsletterwidget form p input[type=”submit”],
.footer-widget #switch-mode input[type=”submit”],
.woocommerce #respond input#submit,
.woocommerce a.button,
.woocommerce button.button,
.woocommerce input.button,
input[type=”reset”], input[type=submit],
li.bypostauthor cite span,
#buddypress ul.button-nav li a,
#buddypress div.generic-button a,
#secondary div.generic-button a,
#buddypress .comment-reply-link,
.select2-container–default .select2-results__option–highlighted[aria-selected],
.entry-header .entry-title a.button,
#search-members-form > label:after,
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