Hi Craig!
Thank you for your reply, I bought the plugin today and so far I am happy with it.
I will have a look at retina situation but in the end as you said, if instagram api does not allow the highest res file, nothing to do about it, besides keeping the images half in the front end..
Currently everything seems promising, cheers for that!
I have one thing that I need advice about;
I am using carousel with 6 column layout and mobile layout is not disabled. When I view it on my iphone I see 1 column layout, which is fine. But on my ipad, when in portrait, I see 6 column layout. Is there any way I can manage this? Let’s say 4 column on ipad and 6 column on desktop..
I have seen a youtube video on the documentation page or in the web site, showing the features of the plugin and there was a demonstration of responsive layout in the video. I saw portraid ipad resolution was transforming to 4 column or something… But that was for the grid layout. So is it may be effective for the carousel layout as well? ??
Apart from these, just a quick note: when ‘show navigation arrows’ enabled and resize the browser, the alignment of the arrows displaces and looks misplaced as I resize to different resolutions.