• I’ve been using your plugin for a while and like what it does. I noticed today something strange though. I have a search filter on this page: https://www.aast.umd.edu/undergraduate/course-catalog/

    Now the user is supposed to click down on the menu and select either Fall or Spring. But if you just hit search without selecting anything, all the posts that are on my website pop up. I’d like to be able to restrict users from clicking search if they have not selected anything from the drop down menu. Or if that’s not possible, only display the Fall and Spring post links rather than every single post that’s on my website when the user clicks on “Search” without selecting anything.

    Also how do I get the post to appear in that page rather than a link to it? If you select one of the options from the drop down menu and click search, it display link to that post rather than the post itself.


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  • Thread Starter samz_manu


    For the second part of the question, I have tried the following code and still no luck. I have noticed that this works for other posts and I can see the results when I do the default search without selecting any of the options but when I select either of the options, it only provides me the link and still no content.

    add_filter('uwpqsf_result_tempt', 'customize_output', '', 4);
    function customize_output($results , $arg, $id, $getdata ){
    	 // The Query
                $apiclass = new uwpqsfprocess();
                 $query = new WP_Query( $arg );
    		ob_start();	$result = '';
    			// The Loop
    		if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    			while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
    				$query->the_post();global $post;
                                    echo  '<li><a href="'.get_permalink().'" >'.get_the_title().'</a></li>';
                                    echo get_the_content();
                            echo  $apiclass->ajax_pagination($arg['paged'],$query->max_num_pages, 4, $id, $getdata);
    		 } else {
    					 echo  'no post found';
    				/* Restore original Post Data */
    		$results = ob_get_clean();
    			return $results;
    Plugin Author TC.K


    For your first question:
    You can use js to control the behavior. eg:
    In your theme footer.php, :

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
       $('#uwpqsf_id').on('click', '.usearchbtn', function(e){
               if($('#tdp-0').val() == 'uwpqsftaxoall' ){
                         alert('please select a semester first');

    For your second problem:
    Did you uses add_filter(‘the_content’) somewhere in your theme/plugin?
    If so, you can try use
    apply_filters('the_content',get_the_content( $more_link_text, $stripteaser, $more_file ))
    Read here.
    Or you can change echo get_the_content(); to echo $post->post_content;

    Thread Starter samz_manu


    Thanks for the response TC.K

    Tried your solutions and neither of them worked. Are you sure the first part should be put in footer.php and not functions.php? As for the second part, I changed the echo get_the_content(); to echo $post->post_content; and there’s still no progress. I didn’t want to add the filter and apply the filter because I don’t quite know where to put it as I’m still a beginner with php code. Any further help appreciated! This is really bothering me. Everything else about the plugin is absolutely fantastic.

    Plugin Author TC.K


    I really don’t know how your wp site set up and configured. It’s hard to tell what are the problems. Sometime some theme and plugin will cause those problem.

    For the first part, you can put into functions.php but need to do it with wp_footer action hook. By insert it directly to the footer.php will be easier.
    Other solution is, don’t insert the ‘Search All Text’ in the taxonomy filter setting. By doing this, it will no more ‘Semester’ option, and left the Fall 2015 and Spring 2015.

    For your second problem:
    Perhaps you have no content in the post Spring 2015 and Fall 2015, as get_the_content(); or $post->post_content; only fetch the post content. Maybe you want to shows custom meta field there by using get_post_meta(); function.

    Thread Starter samz_manu


    It must be something extraordinary that is preventing me from doing this. Would you be open to taking a look at my site and seeing what’s wrong? I can provide you access to the testing environment so there would be no harm in doing so. This really is turning out to be a bit of a pain.

    Thanks again for your continued support. It means a lot.

    Plugin Author TC.K


    You can send your login info here. I will goto check when I have time.

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