• Resolved harjmatharu


    I have created 2 conditions for my results page.

    If a user points is equal or greater than 30 then display a certain page.

    If a user points is less than 30 then display another page.

    Whenever I test the quiz to try and get the pages to show for either above 30 (pass page) or below 30 (fail page) it doesn’t work.

    Only one page shows, so if I score 33 points it points to the failed results page that has a variable of less than 30. I don’t know how to fix this.

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  • Hi @harjmatharu,

    Please make sure that you have selected the grading system as ‘Points’ from the options tab and also you are using the condition based on ‘Total points earned’ on the results page template and not ‘correct score percentage’ condition.

    Please check and let me know.


    Thread Starter harjmatharu


    Yes so at the moment “Points” is selected from the options tab.

    I have 2 results pages:

    1. Total points earned is greater than 10 = Pass page

    2. Total Points earned is less than 10 = Failed page

    I just completed the quiz and got a score of 16 and it came up with the failed page? I don’t understand why it isn’t showing the pass page.

    I need to get this sorted ASAP.

    Hi @harjmatharu,

    As it is difficult to say why you are having this issue, I request you to please share the quiz URL.

    For further troubleshooting of the issue, you can share the issue at here as well: https://quizandsurveymaster.com/contact-support/

    Thanks for reaching out to us.


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