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  • It looks like your theme stylesheet is overriding the plugin styles. In your stylesheet theme.css on line 1340 you have the rule color: #ffffff;. Remove this and all will be revealed.

    Thread Starter breg


    Thanks for the quick reply. I see now that the plugin’s css is marked as inactive. I don’t suppose there’s a way to activate it?

    Thread Starter breg


    The theme uses a file dynamic-css.php to generate the css, so it’s hard to find the problem.

    I fixed it by going into the theme options>quick css and entering the following code:

    #lidd_mc_summary {
      color: #000000;

    Thanks again for your help! ??

    I’m glad you found a simple solution.

    For other’s who may encounter the same issue, the plugin settings page has options for light and dark themes, as well as an option to inherit the theme styling. This is found under Settings > Resp Mortgage Calculator.

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