I just downloaded your plugin and it seems to do what we want to achive but i have a couple of qestions.
The users (members) we have are coming from a external site (Visma administration app)and in Visma the members are manually registered with their user information containing a lot of data such as name, adress, interest, occupation etc etc. All new members are created in this external application Visma so no registration is therefor needed/allowed in our WPsite.
The setup is this: WordPress authenticate via an loginserver with Visma in the backend.
“SAML 2.0 Single Sign-On” plugin is installed with the settings configured for the ” Identity Provider” we use in our case its a machine called idp1.energi-miljo.se.
idp1 run simpleSAMLphp with a auth modul using vismasystem to check that users exist and that the password is correct.
The plugin overtakes the WordPress login. We can get hold of all the registerd fields in Visma so we are looking for a plugin that give us the possibilty to map the fields coming from Visma with field created in an plugin.
Is this plugin useful to us considering the above. I am not a programmer just a projectleader and investigating the market what type of member/restrict content/user plugin that can do what we need without creating a new plugin by ourself.