Have you tried to use the other box, the one that holds what the plugin describes as ‘regions’? It might be more effective for your visitors.
Let me use my (Al-Anon) website as an example.
In Canada meetings are organised in Districts.
When I upload new meetings, I include the district number. The district goes into the District Datasource, which is a default part of the meeting plugin. You can find it in the meetings menu, in the left black WordPress bar in the backend.
There is a second datasource, that is created automatically when importing, that is called ‘regions’. In my experiences what you find there are cities/towns of meeting locations.
The result of having those databases filled, is visible in the ‘regions’ box in the front end meeting list. You can toggle between ‘region’ and ‘districts’.
I don’t know how you organised your details, but have a look in both of those datasources. If you do not have Districts, you might be able to ‘simulate’ districts by entering Australia’s provinces in it instead.
When I perform a search by the ‘region’ box, I see that it finds ‘Country Vic’, ‘Melbourne’ and ‘MelbourneWerribee’. Within those groups it then can show ‘regions’: the actual cities the meetings are in.
It looks to me that this indicates you need a clean up of the ‘Districts’ and ‘Regions’ datasources.
Both are initially auto-filled but you may have to modify them so your data makes more sense when performing a search.
I don’t think you would need ‘Australia’ as a parameter as that will probably equal everything in your list of meetings. But showing the Districts=provinces (states?) might be very helpful.
As for the auto complete: you don’t have to choose from the auto complete. It is true that the box is kind of small, but when I look at my own page, it shows a drop down of choices that I can ignore. I can just enter the name of a town. Or something I know to be part of the group name/meeting name.
And just as a by the way: the development team of the plug-in has moved to another forum page. That is where you can go for tech support, bug reports and new feature requests. It is on Github. You can find it here:
I hope this helps!
This reply was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by