• I am wanting to use coupons to add users to multi-user accounts.
    I see how its easy to restrict coupons to a specific membership level.
    Is there a way to only provide coupons to new accounts created after the date I make the coupon code live?
    I want to add the coupons to their user profile/welcome page so they can get them any time to add the other 4 users to their 5 user account.
    Otherwise my existing multi users that have already setup their other 4 accounts will suddenly get another 4 free accounts ??

    An easy option is to only display the coupon page for users registered after a set date is 10/24/2015 but I can’t figure out an easy way to do that.
    I see that you can get registration date with
    [s2Get user_field=”user_registered” date_format=”m.d.y” /]



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  • Thread Starter colinp386


    Ok so I found an easy way to do this by checking against a recent userID
    I used a conditional widget with Widget Logic

    Then used this condition to select if the widget is displayed
    return S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_SUBSCR_OR_WP_ID > ‘6666666’;

    Now I need to figure out how to stop displaying after one month.

    how to stop displaying after one month.

    You can have a conditional for that. See: WP Admin -> s2Member -> Scripting -> Content Dripping

    The s2Drip shortcode would make this simpler if you have s2Member Pro. https://s2member.com/kb-article/s2drip-shortcode/

    [s2Drip access="level1" from_day="1" to_day="30"]

    I hope that helps. ??


    Thread Starter colinp386



    Many thanks, that was helpful to know, however that only provides part of a solution to managing Group Account signup and renewal.
    Hopefully Jason and your team will add Group Accounts at some point, where one Parent account can create and manage a number of child accounts that are signed up and expire as one.
    Please feel free to use me to beta test when you do.

    The challenge is that on renewal dripping content only works on signup.
    I did a work around that shows the coupon for up to X days before the EOT

    I created a conditional widget that displayed when this condition was met.

    return S2MEMBER_CURRENT_USER_SUBSCR_OR_WP_ID > '600' && get_user_option('s2member_auto_eot_time', $user->ID) > (time()+(350*24*60*60));

    You can post a feature request for group accounts here: https://github.com/websharks/s2member/issues

    This add-on by one of our community members, may do what you need: https://s2member.net/go/kc-groups-management

    I hope that helps. ??


    Thread Starter colinp386


    Thanks Cristián

    Most helpful! I have taken a look at the KC plugin looks very promising!

    Great ??

    Next time you need help, feel free to start a topic in the new forum I started for the s2 community. I’ll be there daily, more often than here.



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