• Resolved flymike


    Restricting content with “Content is a Post with Category” works as expected. But I need “Content is a Page with Category” – which is not an option (I assume, because WP does not support page categories without a plugin).

    So, any ideas how I could restrict pages by category?

    And what is the purpose of “Content is A Selected Category”? What is an example of content that option would restrict?

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  • Plugin Support Kim L


    Hi @flymike,

    I need “Content is a?Page?with Category” – which is not an option (I assume, because WP does not support page categories without a plugin)

    Correct! We only restrict content rendered in various ways via built-in WordPress mechanisms.

    The only way to restrict pages is by explicitly listing them out using “Content is a Selected Page” or by adding them as children of a parent page and then using the “Content is a Child of Selected Pages“.

    And what is the purpose of “Content is A Selected Category”? What is an example of content that option would restrict?

    This restriction type restricts the archive page of posts with that selected category, typically with the URL “yourdomain.com/category/the-category-you-want-to-restrict/”.

    We hope that answers your questions! Please let us know if we can help with anything else.

    Thread Starter flymike


    Not the answer I was hoping for, but thorough and complete – and I thank you for it.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    @flymike – The content rules are auto generated from content types registered within WP.

    To be clear, if you install a plugin that enables categories for pages, those rules will magically appear ??.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Also if you added custom taxonomies to your pages, those would also appear and work as expected as well.

    But we can’t just add rules for content types/structures that WP doesn’t recognize, that would be very confusing.

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