• Please help – I’ll try and put as much info as possible to help solve my problem…

    I was running managed WordPress with Godaddy, hosting a small photography website with a few images, pages and blog entries – doesn’t sound much but I don’t want to be building it again from scratch!

    I just got the bill when the managed service renewed so decided to move away from the Godaddy managed service and to just install wordpress directly on my Godaddy web hosting (Windows). After speaking with cust supp they said all I needed to do was take a copy of my wp-content directory and backup the database, then cancel the managed WordPress hosting. So using Filezilla I took a copy of the wp-content directory and using myphpadmin took a copy of both the database and the schema in sql format. I since realize that I didn’t have the hidden file option turned on in Filezilla so missed out on backing up .htaccess (thats if I was even using it – no idea it I was or not!).

    Then I installed WordPress onto the same domain as before, upgraded it to v4.4, and installed the theme I was using before – went with a newer version of that too, which apparently the guy at the theme place told me was ok. At this point I could get to WordPress admin and also see my website with an unconfigured theme – exactly what I would expect at this point. Next I overwrote wp-content with the copy from my laptop which broke the admin page and my website – then I restored the database thinking that would fix the issue but no luck. Since then I’ve tried sticking with WP v4.3.1, tried sticking with v1.0.9 of my theme (same as what I was using originally), but still no good.

    If someone could point this useless WordPress newbie in the right direction I’d appreciate it as all I seem to do right now is delete WordPress and put it all back but trying different pointless things! Right now I’m at he point where once again I’m running WP v4.4 with the latest version of my theme – no restored wp-content or database. Please don’t assume that I know anything about what to do so the clearer the advice the better.


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