Hi @noku,
I think your problem can be fixed very easily:
The first thing you have to know: These preinstalled sites can be recreated/changed/additionally created manually at every time.
These UM sites are always a standard empty page with only the right form on it and chosen in UM settings for their purose.
1.) Create your sites again (with every name you want! I’ll give you default names below).
Note: Keep in mind to set the right accessibility settings according to your UM “Global Site Access”-Settings. E.g. a login page has to be available for logged-out users of course, etc.
2.) Look for the related forms in UM settings and add to your pages.
3.) Set every site to its wished function in UM settings “UM -> Settings -> Setup”
4.) Done
Your missing sites are:
1.) “Login“
Form can be found: “UM -> Forms -> Column “Shortcode” -> Default Login”
2.) “Register“
Form can be found: “UM -> Forms -> Column “Shortcode” -> Default Register”
3.) “User“
Form can be found: “UM -> Forms -> Column “Shortcode” -> Default Profile”
4.) “Members“
Form can be found: “UM -> Member Directories -> Column “Shortcode””
5.) “Password Reset“
Form: “[ultimatemember_password]”
6.) “Account“
Form: “[ultimatemember_account]”
7.) “Logout“
Leave site empty (To get this site to work, just set it for its purpose “Logout” like mentioned in step 3.)
You see, everything can be handmade. You can extend Ultimate Member like you want to. Have multiple “Member”-pages, “Login”-pages, etc.
There is no rocket sience! If you already know WP you should have recreated your UM sites in less than 10 minutes!
I hope I could help you!