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  • Please provide additional information on the the size of your backup.

    Is there any difference that you can tell us about the sites that are successfully restored and those that are not?

    Unfortunately due to the variety of hosting platforms we are not able to support this plugin on all hosts and/or for backups larger than 100mb. However we appreciate any information that you give us as it will help improve the software

    Best regards,
    WP Academy Support

    Thread Starter Trukn4fun


    Good Morning,
    The size of the backups are all the same about 40mg,very small sites, they are all hosted on Virtual servers with GoDaddy. I have one site that is a master and I use that site to clone all the others – All current WordPress and WeaverPro Themes.
    The one annoying issue that seems to remain constant through out is whether I do a backup or a restore I get a “can not find page” error and I have to go back to the site and do a Ctrl F5 to refresh be fore I can see the result? Thanks for your help, I love the plug-in when it works ??
    Thanks Tom

    Thread Starter Trukn4fun


    Heres an error message that I’m getting ?
    “Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/56/9935056/html/Rbinder/wp-content/plugins/wp-clone-by-wp-academy/lib/view.php on line 196”

    I also received an error message when trying to restore into the new site. The error message was as follows:-

    The plugin encountered an error while downloading the zip file,the following error message was returned:

    Error Message : Internal Server Error

    Temporary files created xxxxxxxxx/wp-content/wpclone-temp will be deleted.

    Any ideas on how to overcome this ?


    Thread Starter Trukn4fun


    I solved the issue that I was having by following many suggestions posted here –
    First, clone the site – then goto the FTP client and download that file ion a folder.

    Second, goto the new site and FTP that cloned/backed up file
    to the wp-clone folder – then in the new wordpress site, cvlone app
    type in the new restore address, name.

    Thats it for me, just ran it and it works –
    Good Luck All

    Thread Starter Trukn4fun


    I solved the issue that I was having by following many suggestions posted here –
    First, clone the site – then goto the FTP client and download that file ion a folder.

    Second, goto the new site and FTP that cloned/backed up file
    to the wp-clone folder – then in the new wordpress site, clone app,
    type in the new restore address, name.

    Thats it for me, just ran it and it works –
    Good Luck All

    Thanks Trukn4fun! That worked for me too!

    I was getting an error when trying to export with WP Clone on the source site. When I clicked the back button it showed that a .zip file (or sometimes TWO) had actually been made.

    Then I tried to import this .zip file in the new website with the WP Clone plugin and was getting the “internal Error” message.

    I used Filezilla FTP client to log into the source website and download the WP Clone .zip backup file that was created. I then logged into my new website with the FTP client and manual placed that .zip file into the UPLOADS/WP-CLONE folder.

    Then I put in the location of the .zip file from the new website’s installation and clicked upload. It installed everything!

    Be aware that it creates an exact copy of your source site with all the same settings. I had to log back in and set up the new template and everything again. But works! Wish I would have known this trick when I had a really tough time a few weeks ago with a different client!

    worked for me also…thanks…ive been struggling with this for a few days

    I have my WordPress sites hosted at and I have SAFE MODE set to off. OPEN BASE DIR restriction is set to on.

    I installed via Installatron, then installed WP Clone manually.

    I get perhaps, 100 of these errrors when I try to backup my site:

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/home/username/domains/ on line 436

    Then it says:

    Backup Successful!

    Here is your backup file :
    /home/username/domains/domain ( 36.61 MB ) | Copy URL

    (Copy that link and paste it into the “Restore URL” of your new WordPress installation to clone this site)

    But the file can not be found when I click on it?

    Any fix?

    I had that same problem “webdevelopment” but later found out that I had run out of disk space on the server. Once I increased the space, then this App was able to save the file.

    The message that it had been saved is erroneous as it never really saved.. it tried, but due to the lack of space, it failed.


    Is there a way to download the backup zip from the original server without the FTP access? Can I just put the URL in the browser URL bar and press enter?

    yeah that should work

    betholsoncreative – Thanks for spelling out how you accomplished the work around! Worked like a charm for me as well. Most helpful plugin I’ve used, I was SO stressed about needing to clone a WP site. Thanks WP Academy!

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