• I am runing the Responsive theme and wat to create a mega-footer using colophon widget but need to hide/remove default footer to avoid duplicate footer inforamtion like copyright etc.
    olease help, Thanks Allan

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  • @tothbalint, Thank you for the clear info, You’ve summed it up better then anyone I’ve read for the past two days! Thank you for you offer to help, I don’t get why we cant connect offline to assist one another? But we’ll comply with the rules.

    I understand how to copy and paste the PHP but not how to edit the text to include my flavcon and copyright info: Website Design & Development by ?BrandZing 2013 and make the link to my website?

    In the child theme footer.php file, change this section – look for the top and bottom lines – replace what is between them – obviously change to your info:

    <div class="grid col-300 copyright">
    ? <?php _e( date( 'Y' ) ); ?>
     <a href="YOUR URL">
    		<!-- end of .copyright -->

    Oops that copyright symbol insists on being parsed – it should be the HTML entity – remove the space in this:

    & copy;

    Not sure I understand?

    Put a copy of the footer.php file in the child theme. In that file, find this piece of code – and delete it:

    <div class="grid col-300 copyright">
    			<?php esc_attr_e( '&copy;', 'responsive' ); ?> <?php _e( date( 'Y' ) ); ?><a href="<?php echo home_url( '/' ) ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>">
    				<?php bloginfo( 'name' ); ?>
    		<!-- end of .copyright -->

    Replace the above code with:

    <div class="grid col-300 copyright">
    & copy; <?php _e( date( 'Y' ) ); ?>
     <a href="YOUR URL">
    		<!-- end of .copyright -->

    Replace my ALL CAPS with your relevant URL and text

    Fix the HTML entity for copyright.

    What section of the footer do I copy from the Parent theme and paste to the child theme, all of it or just a section of it, and where do I start copying from? As you can tell I am REALLY new to WP editing code. I typically have a coder do this for me but doing a pro-bono here to help a friend have a web presence.

    It was much easier to start from scratch building a more complicated website using the Canvas Theme then it was trying to edit this simple 3 page site with Responsive.

    Thanks for helping me, everyone.

    You need to copy the entire footer.php file to the child theme folder.


    Got it about copying all of the footer PHP but not clear on your previous post: “Oops that copyright symbol insists on being parsed – it should be the HTML entity – remove the space in this: & copy;”?

    Also want to add my Favicon and live link to my website? I’m reading the WP how to…

    I assume I paste into the Theme Functions section of the page?

    Theme Functions


    RTL Stylesheet

    “Oops that copyright symbol insists on being parsed – it should be the HTML entity – remove the space in this: & copy;”?


    The forum (here) will turn that code into a copyright symbol – so I put a space into it so it would not do that – remove the space in the code so it turns into a copyright symbol.

    The link to your site should replace this – "YOUR URL" in the code I posted above.

    If you want to add an image to that line, change the above code to:

    <a href="YOUR URL">

    Thank you so much for your info, I think I got it, I’ll give it a try.

    I assume I paste into the Theme Functions section of the page? Not the Stylesheet?

    Theme Functions


    RTL Stylesheet

    Paste what? Don’t put anything in theme functions – you’ll likely crash the site.

    The footer PHP file gets pasted to which section of the child theme?
    I assume I paste into the Theme Functions section of the page? Not the Stylesheet?

    Theme Functions


    RTL Stylesheet

    You need to put a copy of the parent theme footer.php file in the child theme folder.

    In that file, make the changes described above.

    So your file structure will be something like:

               many files in here...
                 style.css (this is the one you made)
                 footer.php (this is the one you need to make)

    The child theme has these three areas to choose from to past the text, I am unclear which one it should be pasted into. I believe you said not to touch the Theme Functions so do I paste the footer PHP into the stylesheet CSS section? The CSS of the child theme is where I pasted a short code to remove Powered by WordPress. Do I paste the footer code below that other code?(shown below). I’ve been reading the Codex on building child themes but does not go into detail about what to paste where?

    Theme Functions


    RTL Stylesheet

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