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  • Hello, there is a beta (Thematic 2.0) available on Github, so it is just around the corner!
    If you can’t wait there is a very nice starter them (child theme) from Scott Nix that is responsive that you can tweek for yor needs. He has also made another nice childtheme that is more styled and sort of good-to-go. It is called Child′s play.
    Best of luck!

    any idea how far round the corner it is – how long will it be? trying to decide whether or not to change theme.
    many thanks.

    I’m also interested in any guess-timates of the time frame for the official release of the 2.0 Beta version.

    I’ve been developing a site (for my own use) using the 2.0 Beta version and Scott Nix’s child theme with nice results so far, but have a few trepidations on using the Beta for a paying client. Any advise?

    Also, will the 2.0 beta, when it is ready for public release, be released as an update to Thematic, or will it be released as a completely different theme?

    Either way, If I develop using 2.0 Beta, will I be able to switch themes to the public final release by continuing to use my child theme (developed using the 2.0 Beta as its parent), but just setting it as a child of the public release version, rather than a child of the 2.0 Beta theme? (And ticking off any needed settings in the theme options, as I understand it.)

    Thanks! And to all of you who are developing the new version: Great job!

    We are looking to release 2.0 soon after WordPress 4.0 is out, which means end of August/beginning of September. I’m testing with 4.0 beta right now and things look good so far.

    The release will be an update to Thematic and be available through you site’s dashboard and here on This is why we want to test it properly, so no sites will break in the upgrade.

    In the final version there is no checkbox for html5 markup in the theme options. New installations will get the html5 markup with responsive styles automatically.

    And yes, you should be able to continue to use your child theme with the stable release. That’s the whole idea. Just upgrade (replace) the parent theme files.

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