I’m also interested in any guess-timates of the time frame for the official release of the 2.0 Beta version.
I’ve been developing a site (for my own use) using the 2.0 Beta version and Scott Nix’s child theme with nice results so far, but have a few trepidations on using the Beta for a paying client. Any advise?
Also, will the 2.0 beta, when it is ready for public release, be released as an update to Thematic, or will it be released as a completely different theme?
Either way, If I develop using 2.0 Beta, will I be able to switch themes to the public final release by continuing to use my child theme (developed using the 2.0 Beta as its parent), but just setting it as a child of the public release version, rather than a child of the 2.0 Beta theme? (And ticking off any needed settings in the theme options, as I understand it.)
Thanks! And to all of you who are developing the new version: Great job!