same problem for us with *all* iFrames elements on stuff like iPad .. the whole frame runs off the side of the screen in portrait and doesn’t remain in the responsive column.
From reading up on this – not an issue with the plugin btw – it seems the only workaround is to create a custom style which senses the viewport and sets some parameters for the viewport and then the size of a frame via CSS3. So, then when the frame is on page, the CSS (not inline style) overrides the width info.
Just putting a div on the page doesn’t work (try it … nope…).
Much like the hacked javascript we had to do for AdSense to run different size ads on our sites, it seems there needs to be a similar hack to use iframes … well, it’s kind of the same thing as adsense really (iframes).
If somebody writes some javascript and CSS for this it would be awesome, but likely would have to be put into the page template unless someobody does a clever CSS element fort custom.css for a specific theme – for iframe specifically.
(sigh…) … no easy answer on this one. Was just trying fixes on this myself. Works fine in IE and Chrome; breaks in iPad Safari (latest).