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  • Thread Starter AmyZealand


    Have just changed this url to a test page:

    Your slideshow responds ok (width & height) with Chrome, Firefox & IE10. Are you using Safari? I’ve had similar problems with Safari and responsive designs using NGG images sometimes already with NGG 1.9.xx. Basically this could be fixed editing CSS.

    Thread Starter AmyZealand


    Hi VesaT, thanks so much for your reply!! I’ve spent days on this bug and it is driving me nuts.

    Basically, the slideshow should be flush with the top and bottom of the lighter coloured box.

    The slideshow seems to be adding in extra paragraphs at the top and bottom.

    Also, there is a lot of space at the bottom of the gallery. It seems to be about double the height of the slideshow (although max’s out at 518px which I’ve set in slideshow settings). How can I make the slideshow only take up the height-space it needs?

    Thanks so much again for your help!

    You have a plugin or a theme for the responsive slideshow in the banner, so you should ask to plugin support or read plugin instructions, or ask to your theme’s developer.
    Your nextgen slideshow is 640×329, so why have you set up 518?
    Anyway at the moment I think that you can solve with

    #bannerGallery {height:365px;}

    But this isn’t Nextgen’s CSS.

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    Thanks, @tizz!

    Thread Starter AmyZealand


    Thanks Tiss, VesaT and Photocrati for your replies.

    Tizz, I don’t understand your reply. I thought nextgen was supposed to be responsive? I don’t want to set a height to either the slideshow or #bannerGallery. I want the height of both slideshow (and therefore #bannerGallery) to maintain aspect ratio with the width.

    At the moment, the ngg-galleryoverview div is about twice the height of the images. I would like to know why this is happening, and how to fix it.

    I’ve currently ‘patched’ this by setting media breakpoints on #bannerGallery height, but it doesn’t look good.

    Thanks for your help,

    Thread Starter AmyZealand


    Thanks everyone for your help. I’ve given up on using nextgen and moved to fluid responsive slideshow plugin that works perfectly.

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