In theory the show/hide concept should work, however I’m running into a roadblock and can’t figure it out. Could you look over the code I’m using and see any issues?
Here is the shortcode for the 2 lists I have placed on the page. Members1 displays until the window is resized to 480 pixels or less. (the ‘hide-480’ class is already built into the WordPress Responsive Theme CSS code). This part works. The second list ‘membersmobile’ is hidden to start and then I want it to display at 480pixels. It just stays hidden…
‘[pdb_list class=”members1 hide-480″ search=”true” list_limit=”25″ filter=”yr_last_members=2013″ orderby=”last_name” order=”asc” display_count=”true”]
[pdb_list class=”membersmobile” search=”false” list_limit=”25″ fields=”farm_name” filter=”yr_last_members=2013″ orderby=”farm_name” order=”asc” display_count=true]’
Here is the CSS in my child – stylesheet:
‘.wrap.pdb-list.membersmobile {
display: none;
‘@media screen and (max-width: 480px) {
.wrap.pdb-list.membersmobile {
display: block;
Here is my page:
I would really like to use this plug-in but if I can’t resolve the responsive component, I will have to find a different solution.
I would really appreciate your feedback or suggestions.
Thank you