Response code bug
I have found a bug in the gravity forms salesforce add-on. With no better place to post it I post it here.
When I tried to activate my clients salesforce organization ID I got the nice message: “ is temporarily unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes.”. Which wasn’t true ofcourse, so I decided to dig in the code.
What I found was that salesforce correctly returns a response but it wasn’t handled correctly. The line that checks this is line 456 in salesforce.php:
if(wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($result) !== 200) { // Server is down.
In the codex for ‘wp_remote_retrieve_response_code’ it states that this function returns a string, in my investigation I have found that wordpress return a string or an integer, for me depending on the environment (different servers yield different results).
So this line should be rewritten to either one of these to fix the bug:
if(wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($result) != 200) { // Server is down.
$res_code = wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($result); if($res_code !== 200 && $res_code !== '200') { // Server is down.
Depending on what best fits your goal with that line of code.
I hope I have provided you with enough detail to quickly fix this bug so I don’t have to be afraid an update overwrites this fix.
PS. I guess this should solve the following tickets as well:
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