• Hi!

    Im hosting a couple of standalone wordpress sites and two multisite (both with wildcard dns) on one server. I’ve always had problems using the “upgrade network”-feature on the multisite installs and end up upgrading each blog manually. When I try to uprade network i get this:

    Warning! Problem updating https://subdomain.domain.com. Your server may not be able to connect to sites running on it. Error message: Couldn’t resolve host ‘opera.wordpress.glerner.com’

    Finally realized that this was becuase the server couldnt resolve the public hostnames. A solution could be to add each domain (and subdomain) to the local hosts file but that seems way too messy.

    Im using Apache with virtual hosts, config for one of the multisite vhosts:

    <VirtualHost *>
            ServerName domain.com
            ServerAlias https://domain.com
            ServerAlias *.domain.com
            DocumentRoot /var/www/domain
    <Directory /var/www/domain>
                    Options Indexes +FollowSymLinks MultiViews
                    AllowOverride All
                    Order allow,deny
                    allow from all

    Is there anyway to fix this without having to struggle with the hosts file?

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Is there anyway to fix this without having to struggle with the hosts file?

    I’m afraid not. The vhost config will work but the WordPress software and your browser will need to be able to resolve those hosts so the vhost can even get the request.

    Any reason you can’t populate your DNS zone? If it’s an internal server then you could setup a fake internal only DNS server and have your server point to it for resolution. But that would be more effort than just creating a /etc/hosts file.

    Thread Starter jkbb


    Any reason you can’t populate your DNS zone? If it’s an internal server then you could setup a fake internal only DNS server and have your server point to it for resolution. But that would be more effort than just creating a /etc/hosts file.

    Hmm, dont know if I fully understand what you mean but I’ve got an internal Windows 2008 DNS server. It seems like it’s not possible to just manage one subdomain; if I configure *.domain.com im forced to add and manage every DNS post on this domain and since there are alot of clients using this DNS server its not possible..

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