[resolved] upload audio (mp3) and play it in profile
As I tried many ways to let my users upload audio files to their profiles I’ve finally found my way in using this plugin and a little bit of code in my bp-custom.php. I also had to modify “bp-xprofile-custom-fields-type.php”
For the output of the audio-files I use MP3 jPlayer but you can also use audio-shortcode [audio] or try any other audioplugin that has shortcode. It’s easy to implement.For your interest:
1. make a fieldgroup with some fields of the type “file”. name the fields for example song 1, song 2, song 3.
2. edit “bp-xprofile-custom-fields-type.php” and add “mp3” as allowed extension (you need to do this two times – in my case it’s line 1294 and 1364 – search for the line “$ext_allowed = array(‘doc’,’docx’,’pdf’);”
3. add the following code to your bp-custom.php:
function my_show_field($value_to_return, $type, $id, $value) { if ($type == 'file') { $value = str_replace("<p>", "", $value); $value = str_replace("</p>", "", $value); $field = new BP_XProfile_Field($id); if ($field->name == 'song 1') { $uploads = wp_upload_dir();; $value_to_return = '<p>[mp3t track="'.$uploads['baseurl'].$value.'"]</p>'; } if ($field->name == 'song 2') { $uploads = wp_upload_dir();; $value_to_return = '<p>[mp3t track="'.$uploads['baseurl'].$value.'"]</p>'; } if ($field->name == 'song 3') { $uploads = wp_upload_dir();; $value_to_return = '<p>[mp3t track="'.$uploads['baseurl'].$value.'"]</p>'; } } return $value_to_return; }
4. copy the part of the code `if ($field->name == ‘song 1’) {
$uploads = wp_upload_dir();;
$value_to_return = ‘<p>[mp3t track=”‘.$uploads[‘baseurl’].$value.'”]</p>’;
}` as often as you need it and apply the right fieldname (song 1, song 2,…)5. Install your audio plugin, look at its shortcode (in my case MP3 jPlayer) – if you want to use wordpress core [audio]-shortcode, just replace
[mp3t track=
with[audio src=
6. upload your files and have fun!
What is missing now, is a way to display songtitle – if you use MP3 jPlayer, you can name the file with the display name, but that’s just a rough workaround. Maybe I find a way or donmik does?
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