• Resolved Tyler Regas


    I’ve been posting lightly on my personal blog for a while since I’d migrated from wineight.in to tylerregas.com and I don’t have many Twitter followers, so I didn’t know that Jetpack’s Publicize feature was using the old domain until a friend told me. I checked the settings for Publicize, but there’s nothing there. After some research, I came to suspect that the setting is either in the site’s database or, more likely, in WP’s databases.

    I finally came across a post where someone had said they disconnected Jetpack and reconnected, fixing the problem. I clearly didn’t spend enough time thinking what that could mean, and just did it myself. I have now lost all of my stats I’d been collecting for the last two years. To top that, tweets are now just not being sent, so I’ll have to go and reconnect ALL of my services to make sure nothing is missed.

    The loss of all of my stats is just too high a price to pay for switching domains. I’m sure that, from WP’s point of view, there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for why you can’t just migrate stats, but they’ll just be excuses. In retrospect, I should have just asked Jeremy to fix my settings, though I’m sure the same thing would have happened to my stats. But, I have a bigger problem.

    In all of the posts where Jeremy fixed the issue for people and those same people and others asked him how he did it, he never answered one of them. We have no idea how this change is made. There appears to be no FAQ page answering the question. There is no official information I can find.

    Not all people using WP are noobs. Some of us are actual developers and we like to understand how things work and why things happen. Please rectify this glaring issue or point me to the place where I should have found the answers.


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  • Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    First things first: I have fixed the issue, and you will get your Stats and Subscribers back by going to the Jetpack menu in your dashboard, and disconnecting / reconnecting to WordPress.com.

    After some research, I came to suspect that the setting is either in the site’s database or, more likely, in WP’s databases.
    In all of the posts where Jeremy fixed the issue for people and those same people and others asked him how he did it, he never answered one of them. We have no idea how this change is made. There appears to be no FAQ page answering the question. There is no official information I can find.

    Your assumptions were correct. These settings are stored on WordPress.com, as we push posts to your connected Social Networks from there.

    There is no way for you to update these settings yourself right now, short of forcing an update of your Jetpack settings by disconnecting and reconnecting Jetpack to WordPress.com, as you’ve done.
    However, and as you’ve realized, it can cause issues.

    Your stats are never lost, though, since they’re also stored on WordPress.com. They’re associated to the site URL you used when you first connected Jetpack to WordPress.com. If that URL then changes, we have no way to know whether we should just update settings on our end to match the new URL on the site and continue to record stats in one single data set, or whether we should create a new data set, since it’s a new site URL.

    That’s not something we can guess as there are many ways for site owners to change their site URL. We can’t assume that a new domain means that the site owner is starting something new from scratch, or if that new domain is just a new name for the existing site.

    We did, however, start working on allowing site owners to decide for themselves, and either create a new data set or update their site settings on WordPress.com, without having to post here or send us an email. We’re still working on that, and you can follow our progress here:

    Once this gets added to Jetpack, whenever Jetpack will detect a difference between site settings and Jetpack settings on WordPress.com, it will ask you what to do, right in your dashboard.

    there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for why you can’t just migrate stats, but they’ll just be excuses.

    We can migrate stats from one WordPress.com or Jetpack site to the other. Just send us an email!

    I hope this clarifies things a bit.

    Thread Starter Tyler Regas


    So, there are a few points to take from this:

    • Jetpack stores certain settings on WordPress servers
    • The Publicize module of Jetpack stores the domain used for URL shortening on WordPress servers
    • These settings are not admin or developer accessible
    • If you modify your domain in WordPress, the Jetpack settings will not be updated unless you disconnect and reconnect Jetpack
    • If you change domains and reconnect Jetpack, your statistics will show activity for the new domain
    • Stats for all domains are retained

    The ultimate lesson learned from this is, when you need to change your domain and want to use Publicize, contact Jeremy Herve @ WordPress support and he will manually switch things for you so that Publicize works and your stats are streamed in.

    In addition, WordPress is working on changing the process so that admins are asked what they want to do with stats when changing their domain, and process an automated update with the desired options.

    Hopefully, this now means we have clear information about WP.ME using the wrong domain to process shortlinks.

    Question: Why does the domain have to be stored? Why can’t it just be dynamically process when something is posted? Then you just grab the URL generated by the blog itself? Never any issues. Never any manual fixes. Never any throngs of people wondering what the hell happened.

    That sounds appealing to me.

    Plugin Author Jeremy Herve


    Jetpack Mechanic ??

    These settings are not admin or developer accessible

    Not yet. ??

    If you modify your domain in WordPress, the Jetpack settings will not be updated unless you disconnect and reconnect Jetpack

    It depends how you modify your domain. If you change the domain thanks to the built-in settings under Settings > General, it should update the Jetpack settings as well.

    Why does the domain have to be stored? Why can’t it just be dynamically process when something is posted?

    That’s a bit of a chicken and egg problem ??

    To be able to dynamically grab and update the domain every time you publish a post, we need to know which domain we need to query in the first place. We need to store some information about your site on WordPress.com servers to be able to communicate with your site.

    Does that make sense? Hopefully soon we’ll be done with our work on this problem, and this won’t ever happen again.

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