Hi there @soberpaddy,
Thank you for using the plugin.
Depending on the complexity of the form that you’ve created, for example if it is a single row that has been defined using the plugin, you could go with something similar to:
.gfield.gfmc-column.gfmc-field:nth-child(1) {
max-width: 25%;
This would allow the first column to have a width set to 25%.
You could also specify a Custom CSS Class in Gravity Forms on the particular Row Start element, such as short-row
and then add the CSS (similar to that seen above):
.gfield.gfmc-column.gfmc-field.short-row {
max-width: 25%;
Which would limit it to the specific row.
The above can be manipulated to flex to your requirements. More complex forms will require further alteration of the above CSS.
If you are still encountering issues, and are able to provide your form (link to existing form, or export of .json file), with supporting information regarding your specifications, then it may be possible to generate a more tailored response.
Hope that helps. ??
Kind regards.