Hello James, just to be completely sure about what I read above, you told that “WordPress doesn’t have built-in video playlists” so you can’t mange it. In my experience, WordPress does not have a MANAGEMENT TOOL of youtube playlists, but has a video player that embeds them like normal videos. I tried to insert a playlit in a wordpress.com site (so: without special plugns) and the playlist is published without any problem. Here you are the example: https://ilfrigo.wordpress.com/playlist/
What I can’t do is modify the aspect or the cofiguration of the playlist because there aren’t specific shortcodes to do that, like the [video] shortcodes.
So… I can insert playlist from youtube, but I can’t change any setting (width, height, autoplay, poster and so on).
Is that correct?
All the best,
Marco Morello