• I have created a custom post type for Team members and I have set an archive for it as well.

    Once I create a post for a team member, I can upload his image into featured image which would show both on the archive page and post page of this specific custom post type.

    However, I need to have specific size for the uploaded featured image to display on both pages, so I need a resize image function. (currently it is resizing them to the default size of 150×150 and I need this for my regular posts)

    How can I code that in function.php or even better in my archive-team.php and single-team.php? both pages can have the same size image. I will add more custom post types and they have different image sizes. So it has to be specific to each custom post type.

    The size I need say is 300x170px.

    I have read many tutorials for this but none works and most of the time I get a white page screen! So I must not connecting the dots correctly!

    Any detailed help is appreciated ??

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  • By default, without users doing anything, WordPress has 4 image sizes; the full (original uploaded one), large, medium, and thumbnail.

    The default size for thumbnail is 150×150 hard crop, for medium is 300×300 soft crop, for large is 1024×1024 soft crop.

    Your wanted size is 300×170, this means you already have your featured image for your CPT without you doing extra work, in your template just call the image indicating the size value of medium, it’s soft crop so just upload the image with 300×170 (or any size based on its proportion), if you upload image with size other than this it will crop to 300px in width and leaves its height to auto based on its actual height.

    Long story short, in your CPT template just call the image like this

    the_post_thumbnail( 'medium' );


    Thread Starter Helen-kh


    This is great, it works to crop to 300 and the height being proportionate ??

    However I need to crop it to exact dimension. And in my other custom post types I have different sizes to deal with. So it has to be specific. The site owner can’t figure out the dimensions exactly, she just uploads whatever image she gets. it doesn’t matter if it crops the image badly, as long as all the images are in the same dimension so they lay nicely beside each other is fine.

    So instead of the_post_thumbnail( ‘medium’ );, I need something like <?php the_post_thumbnail( ‘thumbnail’, array( ‘250’, ‘150’, true ) ); ?>, but this doesn’t work.

    Any suggestion to correct this line of code or another approach please?


    First of all, remember that whatever changes we make in image size via Media Settings, or set post thumb size in function, it won’t take effect to the previously uploaded images, it will only affect newly uploaded images, WordPress only crop image once upon upload. It’s important to know this when you test your code.

    However I need to crop it to exact dimension. And in my other custom post types I have different sizes to deal with.

    Do this in functions.php, pls note that the name is up to you

    add_image_size( 'mythumb250x150', 250, 150, true);

    and we will do this in the CPT template

    <?php the_post_thumbnail('mythumb250x150'); ?>

    and then upload a new image and see if it works.

    This plugin helps regenerate images size to previously uploaded images

    Thread Starter Helen-kh


    Awwww, nice, you are the best ??
    It worked perfectly, thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I also could use the same line in single-team.php and it updates the image accordingly ??

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