• Hi there!
    First of all thx for great theme!

    I would like to ask you, could you gimme any clue where can i find piece of code where is size of this home-banner window? I would like to resize a lil bit. somethin like add 30-40px heigh but I cannot find is it in css or php files?


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  • I would like to resize the home banner too. I am interested in any replies!

    I changed the height of the banner image. Look under

    /* Image styles */
    /*	Featured Content	*/
    	#featured {
    		background-image: url(images/home_banner.jpg);

    There should be something like

    height: 500px;

    I slightly increased that height to 530 px but I think you can increase it further. As for the width, I’m assuming that adding
    width:xpx should work. Hope it helps.

    Thanks Jakob. Actually the width variable doesn’t seem to work like the height one unfortunately, I don’t know why. I tried it and the image didn’t get wider, just looked weird. Thanks anyway!



    I am also interested in resizing as well as to make it a static image that does not scroll with the window size so sometime it is not visible at all.

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