I have not had a chance to test this, so I apologize if it doesn’t work without some tweaking. Here’s an example plugin that you could try that would add a “Weekly at 5pm” option.
Hope this helps get you going in the right direction!
* Plugin Name: Limit Orders for WooCommerce - Weekly Intervals at 5pm
* Description: Add a "Weekly at 5pm" option to Limit Orders for WooCommerce.
* Author: Nexcess
* Author URI: https://nexcess.net
* Add "Annually" to the list of intervals.
* @param array $intervals Available time intervals.
* @return array The filtered array of intervals.
add_filter( 'limit_orders_interval_select', function ( $intervals ) {
// Return early if it already exists.
if ( isset( $intervals['weekly_at_5pm'] ) ) {
return $intervals;
$intervals['weekly_at_5pm'] = sprintf(
/* Translators: %1$s is the first day of the week, based on site configuration. */
_x( 'Weekly (resets every %1$s) at 5pm', 'order threshold interval', 'limit-orders' ),
$wp_locale->get_weekday( get_option( 'start_of_week' ) )
return $intervals;
} );
* Get a DateTime object representing the beginning of the week at 5pm.
* @param \DateTime $start The DateTime representing the start of the current interval.
* @param string $interval The type of interval being calculated.
* @return \DateTime A DateTime object representing the top of the current hour or $start, if the
* current $interval is not "weekly_at_5pm".
add_filter( 'limit_orders_interval_start', function ( $start, $interval ) {
if ( 'weekly_at_5pm' !== $interval ) {
return $start;
$start = current_datetime();
$start_of_week = (int) get_option( 'week_starts_on' );
$current_dow = (int) $start->format( 'w' );
$diff = $current_dow - $start_of_week;
// Compensate for values outside of 0-6.
if ( 0 > $diff ) {
$diff += 7;
// A difference of 0 means today is the start; anything else and we need to change $start.
if ( 0 !== $diff ) {
$start = $start->sub( new \DateInterval( 'P' . $diff . 'D' ) );
return $start->setTime( 17, 0, 0 );
}, 10, 2 );
* Filter the DateTime at which the next interval should begin.
* @param \DateTime $start A DateTime representing the start time for the next interval.
* @param \DateTime $current A DateTime representing the beginning of the current interval.
* @param string $interval The specified interval.
* @return \DateTime The DateTime at which the next interval should begin, or $start if the
* current $interval is not "weekly_at_5pm".
add_filter( 'limit_orders_next_interval', function ( $start, $current, $interval ) {
if ( 'weekly_at_5pm' !== $interval ) {
return $start;
return $current->add( new \DateInterval( 'P7D' ) );
}, 10, 3 );