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  • Plugin Support Dake


    Hi @dacgarz

    Thank you for reaching out and we apologize for the confusion.

    Please note that the “Can See Submission data” allows you to select from a list of WordPress Capabilities, generally speaking, we wouldn’t recommend changing that setting unless you are aware of how each one works.

    In the future, we will look into showing a warning when attempting to change to a capability that isn’t currently assigned to your user.

    But for now, you can bypass your current settings, and force the “manage_options” capability, by using the below custom code.

    // Force to use "manage_options" capability for "Can See Submission data" option in the WP Mail Logging plugin.
    add_filter( "option_wpml_settings", function ( $value ) {
    	if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
    		$value['can-see-submission-data'] = 'manage_options';
    	return $value;
    } );

    With this code snippet you will not be able to change the “Can See Submission data” setting. To be able to do that you will need to insert this code snippet, enable the “Cleanup” setting, reinstall the plugin, and remove the code snippet.

    In case it helps, here’s a tutorial with the most common ways to add custom code like this:

    For the most beginner-friendly option in the guide above, I’d recommend using the WPCode plugin: This will protect your code from updates and keep it easy to manage right within your WordPress admin area.

    Thread Starter dacgarz


    I’ll definitely keep that in my notes. Thank you.
    I was wondering if there was a way for us to assign a different user role to be able to view the email logs that currently admin sees.

    Plugin Support Dake


    Hi @dacgarz

    Thanks for getting back to us and I’m happy to hear the workaround resolved the issue for you.

    Currently the “Can See Submission data” dropdown will only allow users with the specified capability to see submission data. So the dropdown isn’t tied to a role per se.

    We understand how this can come off as confusing. So we already plan to adjust the wording and functionality of this field in an upcoming release.

    Thread Starter dacgarz


    Perfect, the last time I did it was just wrong. Thanks for confirming and clarifying all this.

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