Hello @abdelrahman
No worries, I am happy to help.
The plugin has an option to Disable CDN
, use that to disable AWS CDN URLs.
Use Reset if you plan to change the Access ID
and Secret Key
The txt file does not hold any private information, here’s what is in wpadmin.ca.txt file on
<div class='alert alert-success'><p>Successfully created Cloudfront Distribution with ID # <awsid>E1IP74ZE6QJ307</awsid><br><b>IMP: Before performing the below mentioned steps</b><ol><li>Confirm that the status of the the <i>CloudFront Distribution</i> is <b>Deployed</b> in AWS Console</li><li>Ensure that you have modified the DNS (If you plan to use cdn.wpadmin.ca)</li></ol><hr><p>In the <U>CDN DOMAIN / CNAME</U> box</p><p>Add <a class=retval href='JavaScript:void(0);'><b>d2e1hefq4yjysd.cloudfront.net</b></a></p><p>OR<p>Add <a class=retval href='JavaScript:void(0);'><B>cdn.wpadmin.ca</B></a><br>[you will have to add a CNAME entry in your DNS pointing <B>cdn.wpadmin.ca</B> to <b><awsdomain>d2e1hefq4yjysd.cloudfront.net</awsdomain></b>]<wpa_notice>Note: <b>d2e1hefq4yjysd.cloudfront.net</b> points to <b>wpadmin.ca</b></wpa_notice></div>
I’ll take your suggestion and hide the file in someway.
The Cloudfront Domain name is stored in the database and the howto
explains the steps for different scenarios.
The icons are blocked because of CORS policy
You can modify the rule by following this article
by clicking Stylesheets
under Do Not Load These File Types From CDN
add this file to the exclude list