Reset After Reconnect
Considering the posts I’ve searched, my blog ( seems to have the unique ID issue after reconnecting to Jetpack.
The facts:
– I was moving my WP installation to a different server, and I ran it there with a different domain with Jetpack still active
– Jetpack started failing in the current blog (token error)
– I decided to delay the server change, and continue using the current blog for another period of time
– I disabled Jetpack in the new installation
– I reconnected the Jetpack in the current blog to have everything back up, but as in some cases I lost, stats, subscribers, and can’t share content in social media.What can I do to have things back in place (recover stats, subscribers, etc.)?
my blog ( seems to have the unique ID issue after reconnecting to Jetpack.
That’s correct.
I have fixed the issue, and you should be able to get your Stats and Subscribers back by going to the Jetpack menu in your dashboard, and disconnecting / reconnecting to
I’ll try Jeremy, thanks. So far we are getting a few errors with template and all. Give you a heads up when I’m finished following your instructions.
Yep! Everything in place again! Thanks a lot Jeremy.
Any tips for when I do the transfer to the new server? The domain should be transfered too.. Although I’m not sure I will be able to maintain the same adress/url.
Is there a way for me to do the transfer and “tell” jetpack that my “new” blog is actually the same?
Is there any way I can’t be work for you again? hehe
Thanks again, your help was outstanding and in great timing.
As long as your site URL changes, Jetpack will indeed create a new set of stats on the new site. That can’t be avoided I’m afraid, and there is no easy way to work around that, as in most cases you want Jetpack to create a new set of stats for each new site.
I’ll be here to help though, so I can always transfer stats from one site to the other for you ?? Just start a new thread or post again here, and I’ll get you sorted out!
Good afternoon, as I previously said I have moved the wordpress installation to a new server. Can you update statistics for (New Adress) to consider the history on (Old Adress)?
Also, I’m having a trouble with the images URLs, I have followed many instructions on updating wp-post database tables and all and links were successfully changed in posts, but when they are shown in the browser they still link back to the old adress. Do you think JetPack’s adress setting has anything to do with it?
Disregard the general post images part above.. It’s fixed now (changed more URLs in wpconfig table to the new adress).
However, if I remove files from old server theme is not rendered, just site content (as if there were no theme or css files, just the texts and posts).
Can Jetpack somehow be making my wp in the new server/adress be picking theme files back from the old server/adress?
I was reading my texts above and I am in doubt if you would understand that I still need the blog adress update so the stats and everything else can work again.
Old adress:
New adress: the post’s images URL issue I solved by myself, the stats (and comments, and theme) part still needs fixing.
I hope the theme customization work again too when Jetpack’s adress (unique ID issue) is updated by you. I can’t access any customizing pages for the theme now (500 error), I wonder it is related to the css conection Jetpack has, and since it isn’t connected right now I’m getting such errror.
Anyway, thanks for the help you provide and I know you work with our support issues as soon as you can.
Thanks again, let me know if I need to provide any extra information.
Old adress:
New adress: you for that information. I show that your new address is already using the historical stats and subscribers, so we didn’t need to update anything on our end.
However, if I remove files from old server theme is not rendered, just site content (as if there were no theme or css files, just the texts and posts).
Can Jetpack somehow be making my wp in the new server/adress be picking theme files back from the old server/adress?
With regards to your theme and image issues, those have nothing to do with Jetpack. If you’re using the CSS Editor that’s part of Jetpack, that doesn’t rely on the connection to our servers, so it would work regardless of your connection status.
Can Jetpack somehow be making my wp in the new server/adress be picking theme files back from the old server/adress?
As I mentioned above, aside from that CSS editor, Jetpack doesn’t control the display of your theme – that’s a general WordPress issue and with how you copied/cloned your site to your new server.
From a cursory glance at your site, it looks like assets like your header image are still using your old domain. You can use a tool like Velvet Blues Update URLs (after making a database backup) to fix issues like that if the file paths did not change from the old site to the new site. For example:
Old image URL:
New image URL:
If the paths are the same, then you could use the above mentioned tool to fix it. If the file paths did change, you would need to find and fix those issues manually. Again, this has nothing to do with Jetpack, so if you still have issues, I would recommend reaching out to our Theme community for help here: as resolved as the follower/stats issue has been fixed.
Thanks a lot for such clear information. I still don’t see stats available and there is the token error shown in the stats admin.
I will try to reconnect Jetpack and probably things will be ok.
Thanks for your help I will let you know if problems related to stats and commenting still happen.
After my last post in reply to yours I disconnected the Jetpack and connected it again.
The stats mini graph in the upper bar now shows, instead of the image error I’ve had before, but stats show 0 (zero, calm down message).
Also subscribers are 0 too.
Any chance, somehow, the linking of my blog history is again pointing to a wrong adress?
Any ideas on how I can get stats and subscribers back? Key number was around 4 to 5 thousand pageviews daily.
When you check for the new adress please make sure that the URL doesn’t have a “.br” domain extension, it may have mixed up with the parked/alias domains we have.
New adress should be
Historic stats were in old address: you still have an active site at I’m now showing an active Jetpack connection for that URL and it had taken over the previously correct blog ID.
Jetpack saves a blog ID and a token (think user name and password) in the database when you first connect that is unique to your specific URL. If the URL changed anytime between the time you first connected and now, our system doesn’t pick up those changes unless there’s a disconnect/reconnect process. When a cloned site/two active sites using the same database data (which includes the Jetpack unique blog ID and token), having an old site still connected will cause issues.
However, your stats/followers aren’t lost – we just need to reconnect them to your new blog ID that was generated when you reconnected your new site. But, I can’t do that until we terminate the connection on the old site. If the old site no longer exists, I’ll have to do a few things on our end to sever that connection.
Once you verify that the other site is disconnected I can go about fixing the other issues. Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks again for the reply. I will try to use storytelling so we can both be on the same page.
A few facts:
– I originally created this topic because a few weeks ago I had started a migration test, and it caused the double installation issue. To solve the problem I disconnected Jetpack in the doubled wordpress and asked help here, Jeremy fixed the problem and everything continued to work in
– After understanding a lot of the challenges to move a wordpress installation I picked this (past) weekend to move my blog to a new server. To clarify the environments old/new server I will provide more information below:
— Previous situation —
We had wordpress installed at in a server used by Our domain was pointed to that same server and directed visitors to the wordpress installation in the root folder of the subdomain (probably main domain sub-folder, I’m not the server admin for that one, just have ftp access)
— New situation —
I have completed the wordpress move process. Copied files, database and took the necessary steps to migrate our blog to a new server and changed the domains and dns settings to the new server.
Subdomain now redirects visitors to a new different server that has as the main domain.
Other accesses (aliases/parked domains) are and But at this moment those are just other ways to get to the same place. WordPress is currently installed in
A few hours ago when I posted the topic that you replied, the problem was that Jetpack had an error with the stats minigraph (broken icon) and in admin stats it showed broken connection error. After your reply I disconnected Jetpack and connected it again, currently we have stats working but showing zero as history in the minigraph. I therefore concluded we have the Unique ID problem.– What I now need:
The migration process has been finished this weekend and I will remove files from the old server since they are no longer needed (in fact, I already have them in a separate folder to make sure they are not being used by links or other stuff, it is not being run anymore but if you tell me that I need to delete that old installation’s Jetpack plugin folder I can do so immediately).
We are and will keep the blog running in the new server in it’s main domain.
Official installation/blog adress now is and this is the Jetpack blog/site URL to be considered. Everything is set like this and I even took your tip with the URL changing plugin. So it seems to me now that everything is working 100% in the new space, only exception is that the stats are 0 like it is a new website.Can I have in this new adress the data from the whole blog’s life?
Hope I cleared up the story.
I was already clear on the issue – I just needed you to confirm that no longer has an active Jetpack connection.
Again, can you confirm this? Once I have that confirmation, I can resolve the problem. Let me know if you have any questions on this. Otherwise, I’ll wait to hear back from you!
I was about to give you a positive answer so we could end up changing the site URL but the blogs owner asked me to consider the old adress again…
Thanks again for the hard work understanding my case.
For now we will stick to
I’m marking this as resolved so you don’t have to spend more time here. Please consider the shifts in decisions we have to handle as IT people ??
Regards and thanks again for all the help.
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