• Hi. I use this plugin, and it is perfect. Now I need to distribute little swfs in a line or align them right or left. Is it possible?

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  • The CSS-attribute “float” should be what you need (left, right, both):

    [flash https://LINK-TO-FILE.swf w=150 h=100 style={float:left;margin:5px}]

    The “margin” forces a 5px space to all sides so that the text does not adhere to the movie.

    Is there a way to show a preview frame of your swf with this plugin, instead of all my videos being black , similar to youtube so you can kinda see what the video will be like?

    love your plugin!!

    You can add a preview image to *.flv videos or *.mp3s by defining a flashvar:

    [flash https://LINK.TO/FILE.flv w=150 h=100 f={image=https://LINK.TO/PREVIEW.IMAGE}]

    The image has to be a *.jpg, *.gif, *.png or a *.swf file.



    It says above that the preview image can be an .swf file. It doesn’t appear to work. I’m trying use an swf as a link to Flashbox. If I use a .png it shows, but if I use an .swf, it does not show the animation, it only shows a link to the file. Here’s my code: [flash https://path/video.flv w=640 h=360 preview={https://path/preview.swf} mode=3 shownavigation=false]

    Any recommendations? Thanks!



    The *.swf preview feature is by JW FLV Media Player and used for flv movies, mp3s, playlists, …

    Flashbox does not have a *.swf preview, only text messages and images are supported. I don’t think that I will integrate such a feature in the near future.

    The preview file for JW FLV Media Player is displayed before the flv plays – inside the player.

    p.s.: Your code will not work properly, the shownavigation=false has to be bordered by f={}, like image=previewfile.swf.

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