Hey @francescag,
So sorry we missed this thread. Doesn’t look like we received the notification. Happy to help out with some more information here though. Unfortunately there’s no way to change the display of those fields directly within the plugin. Whatever options are available will be displayed in that order for folks signing up for the list.
While there’s no way to change this within the List Subscribe Form plugin an option would be to create an additional field option for the field which is blank. Ensuring that the blank field is the first selectable option would have folks that did not fill the field out reported as that blank option. You could then follow up with any users that have the blank option asking them to update their profile.
For some more help with that it would be best to reach out to the MailChimp accounts support team since that would require setting things up directly in the MailChimp app. Information on getting in touch with them can be found here – MailChimp Support Options: https://eepurl.com/b2Q7X5
Hope you’re having a great holiday season!