• Resolved rajinigarg


    We have updated to wordpress 7 and latest plugin version. Still not working.

    Below is the cf7 code

    <div class="wwu">
    <div class="grid-100 mobile-grid-100 tablet-grid-100" style="max-width:600px;">
    [group spenden][/group]
    <div class="spenden-form-text">
    <p><b>Sie spenden [number euro min:5 class:amount-autofill default:get] <div class="5emsg" style="font-size: 14px;color: red;"></div> Euro für das Projekt: [text projekt class:project-autofill default:get ]</b></p>
    [radio donation-type id:donationtype default:1 "Einmalspende" "Dauerspende"]<br/>
    <div id="Dauerspende">
    [radio Dauerspende default:1 class:donation-radio  "Monatliche Zahlweise" "J?hrliche Zahlweise"]<br/>
    <div class="form-heading">
    1. Ihre pers?nichen Daten
    <div class="spenden-form-text">
    [select* anrede class:anrede first_as_label "Anrede*" "Herr" "Frau" "Divers"]
    [group nondivers]
     [text titel placeholder "Titel"]
     [text* vorname2 placeholder "Vorname*"]
     [text* nachname2 placeholder "Nachname*"]
    [group divers]
     [text titel2 placeholder "Titel"]
     [text* vorname placeholder "Vorname*"]
     [text* nachname placeholder "Nachname*"]
    [text namedes placeholder "ggf. Name des Unternehmens"]
    [email* email placeholder "E-Mail-Adresse*"]
    [text* straeundnr placeholder "Stra?e und Nr.*"]
    [number* plz placeholder "PLZ *"]
    [text* ort placeholder "Ort *"]
    [select* land id:countries_list]
    [text Telefon placeholder "Telefon - für eventuelle Rückfragen"]
    [text Geburtsdatum placeholder "Geburtsdatum TT.MM.JJJJ"]
    <small>* = Pflichtfeld</small>
    <div class="form-heading">
    2. Ihre Zahlungsweise
    <div class="spenden-form-text">
    [group nocredit]
    [radio zahlungsweise id:zahlungs class:zahlungsweise use_label_element  default:1  "SEPA-Lastschrift" "überweisung"]
    [group credit]
    [radio zahlungsweise2 id:zahlungs class:zahlungsweise use_label_element  default:1  "SEPA-Lastschrift" "überweisung" "Kreditkarte"]
    <div id="SEPA-Lastschrift" class="mode mode2">
    <div class="form-sub-heading">
    <p>Die Vicente Ferrer Stiftung wird hiermit erm?chtigt, Zahlungen von dem unten genannten Konto mittels SEPA-Lastschrift einzuziehen. Zugleich weise ich mein Kreditinstitut an, die von der Vicente Ferrer Stiftung auf mein Konto gezogenen Lastschriften einzul?sen.
    Vicente Ferrer Stiftung gGmbH, Prenzlauer Promenade 175, 13189 Berlin; Gl?ubiger-ID: DE90ZZZ00002222074</p>
    <small style="line-height:14px;">Hinweis: Ich kann innerhalb von acht Wochen, beginnend mit dem Belastungsdatum, die Erstattung des belasteten Betrages verlangen. Es gelten dabei die mit meinem Kreditinstitut vereinbarten Bedingungen.</small>
    <div class="form-sub-heading">
    <p>Kontoinhaber/-in , falls abweichend vom Spendenden</p>
    [group SEPA]
    [text bankname placeholder "Name"]
    [text IBAN minlength:11 maxlength:35 placeholder "IBAN *"]
    <div id="überweisung" class="mode">
    <div class="form-sub-heading">
    </div><p>IBAN: DE61 3605 0105 0008 1039 21<br/>BIC: SPESDE3E <br> Sparkasse Essen</p><br/>
    <div id="Kreditkarte-bk" class="mode">
    <div class="form-sub-heading">
    Zahlung mit Kreditkarte:
    </div><p>Der Zahlungsvorgang startet im n?chsten Schritt.</p><br/>
    [textarea nachricht x6 placeholder "Ihre Nachricht an uns."]
    [checkbox mailenSiemir use_label_element "Ja, ich m?chte über die Arbeit der Stiftung informiert werden. Sie k?nnen Ihre Einwilligung jederzeit widerrufen."]
    [acceptance ichakzeptiere  use_label_element class:required] *Ja, ich akzeptiere die <a href="/datenschutzerklarung/" target="_blank">Datenschutzerkl?rung</a>.[/acceptance]
    [group data-policy]
    <strong style="color:red;">Bitte akzeptieren Sie die Datenschutzerkl?rung.</strong>
    <div class="grid-100" style="text-align:center;">[submit class:rdt-button "Senden >"]
    <p>Die übertragung der Daten kann etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen, bitte nur einmal auf "Senden" klicken.</p></div>

    Conditional fields:

    show [SEPA] if [zahlungsweise] equals "SEPA-Lastschrift"
    show [spenden] if [projekt] equals "Ern?hrung"
    show [nocredit] if [donation-type] equals "Dauerspende"
    show [credit] if [donation-type] equals "Einmalspende"
    show [nondivers] if [anrede] equals "Anrede"
    show [nondivers] if [anrede] equals "Herr"
    show [nondivers] if [anrede] equals "Frau"
    show [divers] if [anrede] equals "Divers"
    show [data-policy] if [ichakzeptiere] not equals "1"
    show [SEPA] if [zahlungsweise2] equals "SEPA-Lastschrift"
Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • Plugin Author Jules Colle


    there is no file in your form..

    Thread Starter rajinigarg


    Sorry its a mistake from our end. It required field and not required file. Thanks

    Plugin Author Jules Colle


    Thread Starter rajinigarg


    Hi Team,
    Thanks for responding.

    when u select SEPA-Lastschrift, the form ( with Name and IBAN field) should appear:
    and the field IBAN to be mandatory

    When u select Kreditkarte, the form should disappear.
    All these functionalities worked fine on our site.

    But, our issue is that when we select Kreditkarte, its showing validation error. This is because the IBAN field (which shows only when SEPA-Lastschrif is selected) is still recognised as a mandatory field.`

    Please help in this. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Jules Colle


    The IBAN field is currently not required:

    [text IBAN minlength:11 maxlength:35 placeholder "IBAN *"]

    You need to add a * after text like this:

    [text* IBAN minlength:11 maxlength:35 placeholder "IBAN *"]
    Plugin Author Jules Colle


    Also try by being more specific:

    show [SEPA] if [zahlungsweise] equals "SEPA-Lastschrift"
            and if [donation-type] equals "Dauerspende"
    show [SEPA] if [zahlungsweise2] equals "SEPA-Lastschrift"
            and if [donation-type] equals "Einmalspende"

    Updated form: https://conditional-fields-cf7.bdwm.be/form-tester/?hash=deecf7b86c92da1afe2a7c800ca45c9d

    Thread Starter rajinigarg



    The above issue seems to work.

    But there is an issue here.

    When we select Sepa. Their field ( Name and IBAN ) are not displayed for the customer to enter the details. We realised today.

    Please can you help with this. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Jules Colle


    If you want something to appear, you need to specify a condition for it. Have you specified the condition to show Name and IBAN? If so, which condition did you use?

    Thread Starter rajinigarg


    Dev as added earlier. Thats the reason, In the first code, if you see..

    The Sepa fields displayed. But, if “IBAN” is not made mandatory. If its mandatory then for credit card was not accepting.

    we added code…its fine. but the fields itself not displaying.

    Plugin Author Jules Colle


    You lost me. Could you create a small example form to illustrate the problem?

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