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  • Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Is this something related to BuddyPress specifically? or just in general to something? Trying to make sure I answer in the appropriate spot because you started 2 different threads.

    Thread Starter michaelc05


    The duplicate thread was an error, I apologize. I need the ability for each user to submit a photo of themselves completing an achievement that gets submitted for approval. After approval that image that was submitted would then need to appear next to the achievement and show as earned or completed.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    No worries. I figured you would see one of them eventually.

    Sadly, the closest we have that’s ready out of the box is the “Change Profile Avatar” step that’s available from the Community Addon, however, that wouldn’t include the submission for approval parts.

    Anything else at this point would need to have a custom solution done for it, and I don’t have any sort of readymade snippet to provide for this use case.

    Closest I can think of would be providing some sort of link to an image via a submission achievement, and once approved, someone would have to actually assign the image to the profile. Whether that’s the approving administrator or the user afterwards would be up to you. You’d need to find a way to store the image with the user as well, and then modify output of the listing to include the image display.

    Complexity to achieve this will depend on your coding ability, so I can’t say it’s going to be instantly easy.

    Thread Starter michaelc05


    But it would be possible to achieve exactly what I want if I hire developer to customize BadgeOS to do this correct? I just want to make sure if I go that route that #1 its possible and #2 you don’t forsee any issues with a developer being able to accomplish this.

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    It depends on how complex you want it to be. I outlined one way to do, with not a huge amount of coding involved. You may want it more automated, for which you’d need to have some dig into the guts of BadgeOS more to see what’s available and piece together a solution.

    Is it possible to extend BadgeOS to do new things? Absolutely. How you do it is too varied for me to give concrete yes/no answers with absolute confidence. It’ll be a big case of trial/error.

    All I can say is that we don’t have anything already built for both moderated photo changing and then also display the approved image alongside the award.

    Thread Starter michaelc05


    yeah i get that you don’t have anything out of the box ready. I’m just mostly wanting to confirm that I can customize the code to do whatever I need it to do.

    The you outlined to do it wouldn’t be clean enough for me. I need it to do just as I suggested “I need the ability for each user to submit a photo of themselves completing an achievement that gets submitted for approval. After approval that image that was submitted would then need to appear next to the achievement and show as earned or completed.”

    Before I hire someone to build upon the code, i just wanted to confirm that I could achieve what I’m after if that makes sense and it sounds like that is a correct assumption?

    Are you the one that developed BadgeOS?

    Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I am not the original developer, no. A number of smarter people than myself have come before me, but I do help whenever possible with both support and development.

    It honestly sounds like it could enter the realm of custom steps/triggers, tracking progress of those steps/triggers, and actually triggering them. Customization at that level is something I have not personally figured out how to do successfully. It’s an area that I’d end up reading the source code of other extensions to see how they handled it and move forward from there with trial/error. Since you’re wanting it more automated than my quick idea above, this may be a good route to take with whoever you bring on to help.

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