thanks Savvas. I may be the only person who has asked but….
As usual I love the plugin but would like to request an addition if it could be possible.I run a sports association site. Our leagues involve approximately 12 teams and I have set each team to be able to enter their match results which show on each events edit page which I then have to approve or reject. All that, is fine.
However, I need to look at every fixture (event) one by one, 2 or 3 times a day to see if the teams have submitted their results which is time consuming and a bit of a pain. Would it be possible to have some sort of notice on the admin events list page (the page that shows ALL your events and where you can create/import/export etc) that shows if a submission has been entered beside each event? Either a * or a number (2) which would tell you at a glance that a result submission needs looked at?This would be a very welcome addition for any admin who has chosen to allow score submissions.I hope this is possible and equally hope it could be implemented ASAP.
Thanks for the great work you are doing.