Great, glad to hear you got it working.
Originally, when I first set up EBD for my own site, I first went & read the past 50 or 100 or so support messages. I did that because I wanted to do some custom stuff & I wanted to see if anyone else had done that. Secondarily, I had first installed the older version of Download Monitor that is mentioned in the Description for EBD. However, I saw SQL errors that made me nervous, so I went into the code. I saw that those issues weren’t causing any actual problems, but at the same time, I saw where it looked like EBD supported a newer Download Monitor. So, I ended up moving to the latest stuff. In the process of doing all that, I became somewhat familiar with the PHP code.
So, while I haven’t tried everything & I certainly don’t know everything about it, I have a decent understanding & have run into a lot of the issues that people run across. In your case, I think the FAQ is missing that info, but you can find it on the Screenshots page ( ) . There is a really old support item on here where the plugin authors, M&S Consulting, point that out to someone & I just repeated their advice.
I should point out that M&S Consulting also has their own website outside of the wordpress plugins page and it has additional screenshots & examples there which can sometimes help folks ( ). I believe they have that link on the Description page as well.
And, for a mere $10 you can get paid support from the M&S folks. I think I’m depriving them of that fee now & then — it’s such a low amount that I hope it doesn’t matter…
(I type super super fast so it only takes a couple of minutes to blast way too much info at people on this forum. I’ve been on a kick of just helping folks out on here for the last few months).