Thanks for the update @yateendra88. If you’re looking to only use Advanced Ads then that’s no problem. We only provide support for Site Kit here in the Site Kit forums, but you can reach out for assistance over at the Advanced Ads forums.
I have only placed the code which AdSense asked me to so that they can review for approval. That code is in the form of <script></script>.
I understand. You can place this within an Advanced Ads container I believe, but you may need to set the conditions for display, I can’t be sure.
If you’re still encountering a “something went wrong” error when checking for a manually placed snippet the product experts over at the AdSense Help Center may be able to assist. As far as I know this occurs when the AdSense platform can’t reach your site or determine a snippet. This could be due to an Ad Blocker or browser extension, a modification of the standard AdSense snippet or a cookie or third party plugin such as a privacy or consent plugin.